COUNTIF two indexes match to return counts of their rows


TableI want excel to display the following:

Count the number of rows with a date filled in when a cell from one table is equal to a cell in a different table column.

For example,

With R9 containing the value 8 and column A having many 8’s, I want excel to count the number of sales date values in all rows where these values match. In this scenario there are 9 rows where cell R9 is equal to values in column A that have a sales date shown.

Edit: I would like this all to go in column Z under sold count.

>Solution :

Assuming Column A is your ID column and Column C contains the date values, you can use this formula:

=COUNTIFS(A2:A18,H3,C2:C18, "<>")

Here, H3 refers to the ID that you want to check for. The "<>" simply counts all rows that are not blank. Please adjust the ranges and column references to match your sheet.

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