How to use dplyr's coalesce function with group_by() to create one row per person with all values filled in?

Advertisements I am trying to use coalesce() to produce one row per participant that has their name and their score. Participants had 3 opportunities to fill in their data, and most only came in once (and those that came in multiple times always put in the same data). So my data looks like: library(dplyr) test_dataset… Read More How to use dplyr's coalesce function with group_by() to create one row per person with all values filled in?

Make columns within a list in HTML/CSS

Advertisements I have an unordered list in which I am displaying some objects. These objects have multiple attributes which I want to display. I made this in Python Flask and jinja. <li class="list-group-item"> <a href="link">{{}}</a> <label id="min">Min. value:<input type="number" id="min" name="min-val" min="1" max="100"></label> <label id="max">Max. value:<input type="number" id="max" name="max-val" min="1" max="100"></label> <p id="average_rank">{{‘%0.2f’ % average_rank|float}}</p>… Read More Make columns within a list in HTML/CSS

How to use dplyr to return the grouped sum of all numeric columns when there are NA values?

Advertisements I’m was attempting to sum all numeric columns using dplyr’s group_by and summarise functions as below. I didn’t understand the error returned from the summarise function and cannot seem to find a similar example on stack overflow … however after two members pointed out my error in making the example data I found that… Read More How to use dplyr to return the grouped sum of all numeric columns when there are NA values?

C++ higher order functions: different results when declaring multiple functions

Advertisements I was plying with higher order functions, and I started getting different results when I created two instances and assigning them to variables. I reduced the issue to the following example: #include <iostream> using ColorGetter = int(*)(void); auto paint(const ColorGetter &f) { return [&]() { return f(); }; } int colorA() { return 10;… Read More C++ higher order functions: different results when declaring multiple functions

Web-Scraping using R (I want to extract some table like data from a website)

Advertisements I’m having some problems scraping data from a website. I do have not a lot of experience with web-scraping. My intended plan is to scrape some data using R from the following website: More precisely, I want to extract the Forex Brokers Swap Comparison for all the available pairs. My idea so far:… Read More Web-Scraping using R (I want to extract some table like data from a website)