Shared object reference between different Rust containers without copy

Advertisements I want to have multiple data containers for the same object with the same reference (pointer), and can’t figure out how to achieve that in Rust. Go can simply use reference to the object as below: type container struct { id int status string } m1 := make(map[int]*container) m2 := make(map[int]*container) c := &container{id:… Read More Shared object reference between different Rust containers without copy

How to use __str__ function to return a string representation of a class

Advertisements I have been tasked with creating an inventory manager in python, and one of the required is to define the following function within the class: __str__ – This function returns a string representation of a class. The class refers to a file (inventory.txt) which has the following format: Country,Code,Product,Cost,Quantity my code thus far is… Read More How to use __str__ function to return a string representation of a class

Can Collections.sort() take treeSet as first argument? If not why?

Advertisements I have my ‘Person’ class as follows – public class Person implements Comparable<Person> { private int marks; private String name; Person(int marks, String name) { this.marks = marks; = name; } public int getMarks() { return marks; } public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person: Marks… Read More Can Collections.sort() take treeSet as first argument? If not why?

How do I animate changes one at a time in SwiftUI on a button tap?

Advertisements I have a loop where I update a value that changes the view. In this example I want the updates to happen one at a time so you see it ripple across the row, but they all happen at once. struct AnimationQuestion: View { @State var colors = "🟪🟨🟧🟦🟥🟫⬛️🟩⬜️".map { String($0) } @State var… Read More How do I animate changes one at a time in SwiftUI on a button tap?

How to make three buttons in one line span the entire page?

Advertisements I want to make the three buttons span the entire page equally, does anybody know how? <div class="mainNavigation"> <table> <tr> <td> <form action="webPages/index.html"> <input type="submit" value="Purchase Used Cubes" /> </form> </td> <td> <form action="webPages/index.html"> <input type="submit" value="Purchase Cube Products" /> </form> </td> <td> <form action="webPages/index.html"> <input type="submit" value="Purchase Cube Repairs" /> </form> </td> </tr>… Read More How to make three buttons in one line span the entire page?

Why are linux system calls different across architectures

Advertisements According to this system calls table, linux system calls are different across architecture, but IMO syscalls are higher level encapsulation which do not depent on any specific architechture. Why is it designed this way? In a specific case, riscv64 linux doesn’t have mkdir, instead it has mkdirat, but weirdly it doesn’t have rmdir or… Read More Why are linux system calls different across architectures