How to take a user input of 24 hour time in HHMM format? (without importing any modules)

Advertisements I need to accept a user input for time, between 0000 and 2359, without importing any modules. I currently have it just taking an int input: fillTime = "X" while fillTime == "X": try: fillTime = int(input("Enter the time (0000-2359): ")) if fillTime < 0 or fillTime > 2359: print("Error! Please enter a valid… Read More How to take a user input of 24 hour time in HHMM format? (without importing any modules)

How to search json for a string and output a parent value using jq?

Advertisements Trying to pull a value out with jq, but didn’t seem as easy as i originally thought. I have a variable of CAR="". How can i use this variable to return the parent "piece_cid" ? Example: Using a bash varible of $CAR with a value of, id be able to get the results… Read More How to search json for a string and output a parent value using jq?

Error 'listaCliente' undeclared (first use in this function)

Advertisements I can’t run the code because it gives the error mentioned in the title, but I declared it in main. I’m stuck for a few hours and I can’t solve this main.c , here is where I declare the "listaCliente" int main() { Cliente* listaCliente = lerBaseDeDados(); menuPrincipal(listaCliente); } Cliente.c // menu , basically… Read More Error 'listaCliente' undeclared (first use in this function)

unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'DateField' and 'DateField'

Advertisements I am working on creating a contract model with Django and I came cross on how to get the time duration from the start_date to the end_date?? class Contract(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=100) price = models.IntegerField(max_length=10) start_date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True) end_date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True) duration = models.IntegerField(end_date – start_date) # how get the duration by hours created_at… Read More unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'DateField' and 'DateField'

R object not found when using scale_x_discrete or scale_x_continuous

Advertisements hour_mark avg_intensity <int> <dbl> 0 2.1295503 1 1.4190782 2 1.0439443 3 0.4437299 4 0.6330472 5 4.9506438 6 7.7712137 7 10.7336198 8 14.6680988 9 15.3877551 10 17.6437029 11 16.9212513 12 19.8470716 13 18.7752443 14 18.8686211 15 15.5846995 16 17.7166483 17 21.6556291 18 21.9216336 19 21.3852097 20 14.3399558 21 12.0729282 22 9.0630531 23 4.9966777 ggplot(data=avg_int_hourly, aes(x=hour_mark,… Read More R object not found when using scale_x_discrete or scale_x_continuous

How do I make a policy to stop inserting a row if two values from the table are the same as the values I plan to insert

Advertisements I need to check if a booking with the same timestamp and product id has been made before inserting a new row. I am struggling with making this policy and would be great if anybody could help. Here is the schema for my table: create table Bookings ( id bigint not null primary key,… Read More How do I make a policy to stop inserting a row if two values from the table are the same as the values I plan to insert