Trying to understand why my C++ program is slowing down after running for long time

Advertisements None of the threads close to the topic that I could find (like this one) helped me so far. I have a C++ program that reads some data from a file, runs pretty complex and intensive operations and then writes outputs to new files. When I let the process run for few hours, here… Read More Trying to understand why my C++ program is slowing down after running for long time

How can I change date stamps in python

Advertisements how can I convert the date format from Current format : [day] [month] [day value] [hour]:[minute]:[second] [time zone difference] [year] to New format : [year]-[month value]-[day value] [hour]:[minute]:[second] For example, a current format value: Tue Feb 04 17:04:01 +0000 2020 should be converted to: 2020-02-04 17:04:01 in python >Solution : You can use parser.… Read More How can I change date stamps in python

How can I share a variable from a thread to my main in python?

Advertisements I’m trying to share two variables for a comparation in a conditional in my main, but I am getting errors whenever I set the variables as global, saying that the variable was started before global statement. Here is a peek to the code: #thread timer for minute class myMin(Thread): def run(self): global now global… Read More How can I share a variable from a thread to my main in python?

ZonedDateTime format and parsing exception

Advertisements I have a problem with parsing zoned date time: DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-ddzhh:mm"); ZonedDateTime.parse(s, formatter); and error: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text ‘2022-05-24UTC12:15’ could not be parsed at index 10 whats wrong with this code ? thanks >Solution : tl;dr – You have the wrong pattern… The character z is not able to parse "UTC" because UTC… Read More ZonedDateTime format and parsing exception

Convert timestamp from API into date and add +3 hours

Advertisements I have the following timestamps from an API call: 2022-05-22T13:53:42.010238Z 2022-05-22T11:53:30.910039Z 2022-05-22T11:46:43.904101Z 2022-05-22T11:46:27.815341Z 2022-05-22T11:46:12.581602Z 2022-05-22T11:41:56.246782Z 2022-05-22T11:41:39.443423Z I would like to convert them into readable dates example: 22/05/2022-13:53:42 and also add +3 hours to them. >Solution : You can try below formula- =SUM(SPLIT(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"Z",""),"T"))+TIME(3,0,0)