Converting local time to UTC in snowflake


I have sample data as follows:

ship_id | origin_zone |  dt_local
 1234   | Asia/Taipei| 2022-03-31 00:00:00.000

The goal is to convert dt_local into UTC. Here is my sql for that;

   convert_timezone('UTC', origin_zone, dt_local) as utc_time
from table;

Plz see screenshot for the output. It seems it is just adding offset of 8 hours to this time, which doesn’t sound true. Because Taipei is 8 hrs ahead of UTC. So I am expecting it to subtract 8 hr from dt_local column.

It seems to me since I am running this query on west coast (America/Los Angeles time, which is 8 hrs behind UTC) its just adding 8 to dt_local time column .

Can I please get some help on how to get the correct UTC time for this column? Help is appreciated.

>Solution :

You have the source and target timezones reversed. It should be:

   convert_timezone(origin_zone, 'UTC', dt_local) as utc_time
from table;

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