How to Specify Source Time Zone When converting between two Time Zones

Advertisements I’m working with the following Time Zone code: using System.Globalization; DateTime sourceDt = Convert.ToDateTime("2023-09-05T08:00:00"); DateTime sourceUtc = sourceDt.ToUniversalTime(); var tz = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time"); var tzTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(sourceUtc, tz); Console.WriteLine("Time1= " + tzTime.ToString("hh:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); var tz2 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"); var tz2Time = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(sourceUtc, tz2); Console.WriteLine("Time2= " + tz2Time.ToString("hh:mm tt",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); Time1 outputs 07:00… Read More How to Specify Source Time Zone When converting between two Time Zones

Calling new Date(String s) produces result in different timezone

Advertisements I am trying to display a date in javascript. I receive the date from backend like this: 2020-09-22T17:10:25Z (from and Instant object in Java). When I try to call new Date("2020-09-22T17:10:25Z") I get: Tue Sep 22 2020 20:10:25 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time). The issue with this is that I am not in a… Read More Calling new Date(String s) produces result in different timezone

Time in Known Location with Known Offset and NO Daylight Saving Time

Advertisements With the hundreds of posts concerning Javascript time questions, I’m certain this has been addressed but I’ve been through a couple of dozen posts so far and none answer my specific question. I know the offset (-7) and in this particular State in the USA (Arizona) there is NO DST. I just want to… Read More Time in Known Location with Known Offset and NO Daylight Saving Time

Keep consistent dtype and timezone when concatenating with NaT in pandas

Advertisements I have two pandas DataFrames containing time series that must be concatenated for further processing. One DataFrame contains localized timestamps while the other contains NaT in the time column. When concatenating, the column type changes from datetime64[ns] to object, hindering the further analysis. My goal: keeping a localized time column, even after concatenation with… Read More Keep consistent dtype and timezone when concatenating with NaT in pandas

Converting a timestamp with a local timezone displayed in default BigQuery UTC format to actual UTC

Advertisements I have an external data source automatically inserting data into my BigQuery table, this data source includes a timestamp field which does not have a timezone connected to it, however, I know this timestamp is in the Europe/Amsterdam timezone. The problem here is that when this timestamp is inserted into BigQuery, BigQuery automatically defaults… Read More Converting a timestamp with a local timezone displayed in default BigQuery UTC format to actual UTC

Checking pandas Timestamp for timezone string

Advertisements In the code below I want to acquire the timezone of a pandas Timestamp supplied to a function: import pandas as pd import pytz timestamp = pd.Timestamp("2022-05-01", tz=’Europe/Paris’) print(timestamp.tzinfo) This prints: Europe/Paris However, I would like to check whether the timezone matches the timezone that I want and return a boolean value, such as:… Read More Checking pandas Timestamp for timezone string

Getting the startime and endtime of the day in epochmillis for different timezones – java

Advertisements I am trying to get the start time (00:00:00) and the end time (23:59:59) of a day in the PST time zone. I have tried the following code, but for some reason, I am only getting the start and end times in UTC. I have tried changing the timezone to include "America/Los_angeles", but the… Read More Getting the startime and endtime of the day in epochmillis for different timezones – java

Call to a member function modify() on string

Advertisements I’am getting this "Call to a member function modify() on string" $date = $request->start_date; $start_date = date(‘d-m-Y’,strtotime($date)); $e_date = $request->end_date; $end_date = date(‘d-m-Y’,strtotime($e_date)); $data = []; for($i = $start_date; $i <= $end_date; $i->modify(‘+1 day’)) { $data[] = $i; } return $data; >Solution : I would suggest to use Carbon for this. use Carbon\Carbon; $start_date… Read More Call to a member function modify() on string