ModuleNotFoundError in Python but the module is there

Advertisements I have a directory called step_2_my_hand, and inside it I have 3 python packages;, and Inside, I have the following: from generate_num_and_suit_list import generate_num_list_from_my_hand def run_num_list_suit_list(): num_list, suit_list = generate_num_list_from_my_hand() # num list is an integer at this point, and suit list is made up of strings return num_list, suit_list… Read More ModuleNotFoundError in Python but the module is there

Is it possible to import data from another .py file, if the file path is stored in a variable?

Advertisements I am writing a program to help me build matrixs for my pygame projects. (I am using tkinter for the setup window, then pygame to colour tiles to give them values between 0 and 9) I was hoping that I could save projects with named files, to later be reopened. All I need is… Read More Is it possible to import data from another .py file, if the file path is stored in a variable?

Why is this error showing when trying to import a constant from another file in typescript?

Advertisements I am trying to import a constant which is a JSON body from a file inside another folder inside my project. I have tried copying the relative path to it and the constant has the export keyword before the declaration so I have export constant = {} In the main file I am getting… Read More Why is this error showing when trying to import a constant from another file in typescript?

unable to resolve jsonSlurper even when its imported and groovy package added to

Advertisements Im trying groovy project and I cant get it running with trying jsonSlurper. Not sure why. The dependency for groovy is added and import.groovy.json.* is imported. gradle: dependencies { implementation ‘org.apache.groovy:groovy:4.0.2’ testImplementation platform(‘org.junit:junit-bom:5.9.1’) testImplementation ‘org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter’ } Error: Unable to resolve class JsonSlurper >Solution : Add implementation ‘org.apache.groovy:groovy-json:4.0.2’ Might as well update to 4.0.11 as… Read More unable to resolve jsonSlurper even when its imported and groovy package added to

How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

Advertisements How to Build a Relevant Auto Generating Tags Recommendation Model in Python One of the most important features of any blog or website is its ability to recommend relevant tags to users. This not only helps users find related content easily, but it also improves the overall user experience. In this blog post, we’ll… Read More How to build relevant auto generating tags recommendation model in python

R- How to import an excel csv file into R studio using read_csv

Advertisements I am getting an error when trying to import my excel csv file into R using the read_csv function I tried this code below library(tidyverse) #importing review data review_data <- read_csv("C:\\Users\\LORA\\Documents\\R File\\project\\Romba_Reviews.csv") and got the error message below Error: ‘C:\Users\LORA\Documents\R File\project\Romba_Reviews.csv’ does not exist. I dont know where the problem is coming from, my… Read More R- How to import an excel csv file into R studio using read_csv