Python: Import directory from a file inside that directory


I’m sorry if the title is confusing since English is not my first language. What I have trouble is running a python script that calls import of its own directory. The folder structure is like this:

          |-- util
          |     |--
          |     |--

And the code of is as following

import Utils.util

if __name__ == '__main__':
   # Do something

When running, I get this error

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Utils'

Is there anyway to call import that’s suitable for this folder structure? If it’s possible, someone can please help me naming this problem for better searches?

I have tried create a new script in the root folder which runs normally. However, what if I want to store testing code like in modular folders, the import command is not running

>Solution :

The error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘Utils’" occurs because Python doesn’t automatically search for modules within subdirectories unless they are treated as packages.

from .util import

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