Loop through array of objects, if value exists, return another value

Advertisements With the information below I am trying loop through cards, if there is a nested object of helper, return that objects title. But am either receiving undefined or errors. I was thinking maybe reduce would be viable here? Sample Array: cards: [ 0: { title: ‘Something’, logo: ‘logo link here’, }, 1: { title:… Read More Loop through array of objects, if value exists, return another value

pip and python referring to different interpreters

Advertisements I know "multiple-versions-of-python-mess" is nothing new but my question is more specific. I’m learning how to use venv (and pyenv, etc.) and I’ve run into a strange situation. I have a number of different versions of python installed (as one does). I use one of them, 3.9, to create a venv: $ /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.12_1/bin/python3 -m… Read More pip and python referring to different interpreters

Caret rfe() error "there should be the same number of samples in x and y"

Advertisements I am having difficulties solving the error "there should be the same number of samples in x and y". I notice that others have posted on this site regarding this error, but their solutions have not worked for me. I am attaching an abbreviated version of my dataset here. x_train is here: x_train <-… Read More Caret rfe() error "there should be the same number of samples in x and y"

Mini java chatbot

Advertisements I am new to Java and trying to make a simple mini chatbot, that answers to 3 questions with user input and if/else statement. I do not know if I am correct, but I got this far: import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);… Read More Mini java chatbot

Understanding address assignment to registers via assembly instructions

Advertisements If I have a CPU/system with the following characteristics… 16 bit architecture (16 bit registers and bus) 8 total registers A set of 64 assembly instructions And assuming my assembly instructions follow the format… OPCode (6 bits) + Register (3 bits) + Register (3 bits) + Unused (4 bits) ** Example Instructions (below) **… Read More Understanding address assignment to registers via assembly instructions

Split a cell that contains a phrase, placing each character of the phrase in a cell

Advertisements I’m working with a 16 column x 4 row LCD display and to keep track of my project screens I’m saving it to a google sheets spreadsheet. I would like to type a sentence and it already puts each character in a cell, maybe using some kind of script, because I’ve already tested the… Read More Split a cell that contains a phrase, placing each character of the phrase in a cell

SetupSequence moq for different file string paths C#

Advertisements I have 2 different file paths which I read ‘last write time’: var current1TimeStamp = File.GetLastWriteTime(path)(file1); var current2TimeStamp = File.GetLastWriteTime(path)(file2); I want to setup a mock sequence but I have a problem: var fileServiceMock = new Mock<IFile>(MockBehavior.Strict); fileServiceMock.SetupSequence(s => s.GetLastWriteTime()) .Returns(System.DateTime.Now) .Returns(System.DateTime.Now); What do I do wrong? >Solution : As stated in my comment… Read More SetupSequence moq for different file string paths C#

Can Collections.sort() take treeSet as first argument? If not why?

Advertisements I have my ‘Person’ class as follows – public class Person implements Comparable<Person> { private int marks; private String name; Person(int marks, String name) { this.marks = marks; this.name = name; } public int getMarks() { return marks; } public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person: Marks… Read More Can Collections.sort() take treeSet as first argument? If not why?