Regex to match strings between quotes

Advertisements I try to create a regular expression to match strings between quotes but it seem’s not working. My RegExp: \[shortanalytics\snumber=[0-9]+\stoptext="[A-Za-z]+"\sbottomtext="[A-Za-z]+"\sicon=[A-Za-z]+\] Text to match: [shortanalytics number=60 toptext="super test" bottomtext="test 2" icon=add] >Solution : You can try using the following one: "([^"]+)" Explanation: ": quote ([^"]+): any character other than quote ": quote This will match… Read More Regex to match strings between quotes

PHP variable binding issue with html from controller for ajax response

Advertisements Controller: $html = ""; $user_id = 10; $by = ‘By Aaron’; $getLedgerData = "getLedgerData(‘" . $user_id. "’,’" . $by . "’)"; $html .= "<a onclick=" . $getLedgerData . "></a>" print_r($html);die; // result shows: getLedgerData(’10’,’By Aaron’) When I passed $html to ajax response and set from there to a respected HTML tag. It will also… Read More PHP variable binding issue with html from controller for ajax response

How are strings with multiple kinds of quotes interpreted in bash?

Advertisements To give context, I’m trying to create a simple version of bash, and for that I need to mimic the way bash parses content with multiple sets of single and double quotes. I can’t figure out the overall procedure by which bash handles quotes inside quotes. I noticed some repeated patterns but still don’t… Read More How are strings with multiple kinds of quotes interpreted in bash?

Executing multiple commands with ssh, including evaluation of environment variables on the remote machine

Advertisements I sometimes use ssh to run multiple commands on a remote host like this: ssh my_user@my_host "command1; command2" utilizing double quotes to send both commands to the remote machine. Now I would like to access an environment variable in one or both of the commands. Here is a simplified example that illustrates what I… Read More Executing multiple commands with ssh, including evaluation of environment variables on the remote machine

keep apostrophes when passing string value in Innerhtml

Advertisements The text value holds string text with double quotes and apostrophes as you see in the example. when I print the result it changes to different characters. The text that is coming from API is : "mismatched input ‘STARTt’ expecting ‘START’ "; but when I print it, it goes : "mismatched" input="" ‘startt’="" expecting=""… Read More keep apostrophes when passing string value in Innerhtml

Access JSON column

Advertisements How can I access values in the status and date columns stored as JSON? Please, have a look at an example row below. {"1":{"status":true,"date":"2022-03-30"},"3":{"status":true,"date":"2022-03-30"}} >Solution : Demo: set @j = ‘{"1":{"status":true,"date":"2022-03-30"},"3":{"status":true,"date":"2022-03-30"}}’; select json_extract(@j, ‘$."1".status’) as status; +——–+ | status | +——–+ | true | +——–+ In this case, it may be unexpected that you… Read More Access JSON column

special characters like asterisks argv

Advertisements Running my script like the following: Node index.js POST * In my script I do this: process.argv.forEach((val, index) => { console.log(`${index}: ${val}`); }); The output will be the following where * causes to dump all my files’ names in my project: $ node index.js POST * 0: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe 1: C:\Users\myComputer\myScript\index.js 2: POST 3:… Read More special characters like asterisks argv