Concatenation with variable in function gives an error

Advertisements So I am trying to run this function. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TableIteration() RETURNS TABLE(table_schema text, table_name text) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE tgt_schema varchar; list text[] := ARRAY[ "text1", "text2", "text3", "text4", "text5", "text6", "text7", "text8", "text9" ]; BEGIN FOREACH tgt_schema IN ARRAY list LOOP RETURN QUERY EXECUTE ‘SELECT t.table_schema :: text, t.table_name::text… Read More Concatenation with variable in function gives an error

How to parse a given key-value parameters string?

Advertisements I have this string: Parameter1="Something related to this" Parameter2="Another value" Parameter3=’Single quotes are permitted’ Parameter4="Even HTML entities are permitted" I want to get this list: Parameter1=Something related to this Parameter2=Another value Parameter3=Single quotes are permitted Parameter4=Even HTML entities are permitted I tried this regex. But it’s not working: (\w+)=((‘|"|")).*((‘|"|")) How can I parse this… Read More How to parse a given key-value parameters string?

Find and replace only if it matches a string in vi editor

Advertisements I have a large file: . .. … { "term": "Allow A to B", "to_zone" : ["inside"], "from_zone" : ["sys"], "source" : [""], "destination": ["",""], "source_user" : ["any"], "category" : ["any"], "application" : ["any"], "service" : ["application-default"], "source_hip" : ["any"], "destination_hip" : ["any"], "tag" : ["con"], "action" : "allow", "rule_type" : ["universal"], "group_tag" :… Read More Find and replace only if it matches a string in vi editor

Removing line breaks between 2 different character sequences

Advertisements I’m editing a csv file which contains hidden line breaks. When I apply the following php script, the line breaks are successfully removed from the entire file. $csvFileNew = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), ”, $csvFileOld); But I only want to remove these line breaks from within certain sections of the file – between all occurrences of… Read More Removing line breaks between 2 different character sequences

Syntax error for Where clause in Bigquery

Advertisements I am getting an error when I try to use where clause in the following query : SELECT creation_date FROM `bigquery-public-data.stackoverflow.stackoverflow_posts` WHERE creation_date BETWEEN 2021-08-01 AND 2021-08-31; Syntax error : No matching signature for operator BETWEEN for argument types: TIMESTAMP, INT64, INT64. Supported signature: (ANY) BETWEEN (ANY) AND (ANY) at [6:17] What is the… Read More Syntax error for Where clause in Bigquery