2D array being iterated after being declared through parameters vs as a variable

I am having trouble iterating through a 2D array when the array is being called through the parameters of a function. The problem is that when being run directly in main it can print out the array perfectly, but when called from func() it outputs an empty result. 2D array called from parameters: void func(char… Read More 2D array being iterated after being declared through parameters vs as a variable

I have a 2d list of strings and numbers. I want to get the sum of all numbers that have the same string. Code is in python

I have a list the contains names and numbers. And for all items with the same name in the list I want to calculate the sum of those numbers. Please note, I cannot use the numpy function. This is my 2d list: list = [(‘apple’, 3), (‘apple’, 4), (‘apple’, 6), (‘orange’, 2), (‘orange’, 4), (‘banana’,… Read More I have a 2d list of strings and numbers. I want to get the sum of all numbers that have the same string. Code is in python

Create a new array from current Airtable array

How can I get this old array: [ { "_table": { "_base": { "_airtable": {}, "_id": "appDxGpKPJl3Exjs2" }, "id": null, "name": "PropMatters" }, "id": "recGBOdnDtrvaEu7N", "_rawJson": { "id": "recGBOdnDtrvaEu7N", "createdTime": "2022-05-24T07:05:22.000Z", "fields": { "Name": "Mon 23 May, Tues 24 May", "KeyID": "2024f0d10106261cdc852194042d731c" } }, "fields": { "Name": "Mon 23 May, Tues 24 May", "KeyID": "2024f0d10106261cdc852194042d731c"… Read More Create a new array from current Airtable array