How to modify data from $.ajax call?

I have two .html, content.html and footer.html. content.html <div> <div class="footer-content"></div> </div> footer.html <div>copyright</div> i made a ajax call for content.html, then i want to append the footer.html to the data(content), before showing it. i have tried this. $.ajax({ url: "filecheck.php", // Your server-side script data: { file: filePath }, // Pass the file path… Read More How to modify data from $.ajax call?

Ignore a Query String when using ajaxComplete (settings.url)

I’m using ajaxComplete to catch AJAX requests, but only problem is I cant catch the /cart.js because there is always a random Query String. ex- ‘/cart.js?_=1324346569‘ How can I tell this ajaxComplete to ignore query strings so my code picks up on just ‘/cart.js’? My code – $(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, xhr, settings) { if (settings.url === "/cart.js")… Read More Ignore a Query String when using ajaxComplete (settings.url)

Send JS variable to PHP script via ajax on click of button where the href attribute is set dynamically

This is the current situation: I have one checkbox on each row of a table representing some infos A button that is initially disabled and if any checkbox is checked it gets enabled This button is wrapped/enclosed by an <a></a> tag like this <a><button type="button" id="myId" classes="classes…"></button></a> An array which is initally empty Suppose I… Read More Send JS variable to PHP script via ajax on click of button where the href attribute is set dynamically

Fetching data using ajax in a table

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Fetch data from API and display in table using AJAX</title> <script src=""></script&gt; </head> <body> <h1>Data</h1> <table id="table" border="1"></table> <script> function load(){ fetch(";) .then(result => result.json) .then(json => show(json)) } function show(data){ let table = document.getElementById(‘table’); for(let i=0; i< data.length; i++){ let obj = data[i]; console.log(obj); let row = document.createElement(‘tr’); let name… Read More Fetching data using ajax in a table

How to send multiple files with Ajax

I have Ajax Code which is sending input:file info, but i have a problem, program is sending the last file info, and I can’t get information about past files What’s wrong? I will be grateful for help HTML Form <input type="file" name="files[]" id="sss" multiple> <div class="bloj"></div> PHP $nkar = $_FILES[‘file’][‘name’]; $nkar_loc = $_FILES[‘file’][‘tmp_name’]; $flr=$_FILES[‘file’]; print_r($flr);… Read More How to send multiple files with Ajax