Apache flink join: ".apply()" does not exist? (scala)

Not an issue with flink, but missing a closing bracket! I am trying to follow the examples from the 1.16 (current, 2023-03-07) release. The example is this: stream.join(otherStream) .where(<KeySelector>) .equalTo(<KeySelector>) .window(<WindowAssigner>) .apply(<JoinFunction>); My code looks like this: import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.SlidingEventTimeWindows private val result = streamA.join(streamB) .where(new MySelector().getKey) .equalTo(new MySelector().getKey) .window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(60), Time.minutes(60)) .apply() // <- function does… Read More Apache flink join: ".apply()" does not exist? (scala)