Confusion over some JSON Schema Validation

I have now spent more than a few hours on this issue and I felt that it was time to reach out for some assistance because clearly I am missing some fundamental concepts about JSON schema validation that I thought I understood. Here’s some JSON that I actually expect not to pass the validation of… Read More Confusion over some JSON Schema Validation

How to sum the array values

I need to understand the simplest way of doing this. I’ve got an array of objects: const data = [ { "_id": "63613c9d1298c1c70e4be684", "NameFood": "Coca", "count": 2 }, { "_id": "63621f10b61f259b13cafe8e", "NameFood": "Xa xi", "count": 2, }, { "_id": "63654bf94b61091ae9c4bfd3", "NameFood": "Cafe đen", "count": 2, }, { "count": 1, "_id": "63613c9d1298c1c70e4be684", "NameFood": "Coca", } ]… Read More How to sum the array values