Javascript to dynamically select based on another query

I am working with a svg element as following const src = [{ “Name”: “Australia”, “Year”: 1997, “Value”: 15.540540540540499 }, { “Name”: “Australia”, “Year”: 1998, “Value”: 15.540540540540499 }, { “Name”: “Australia”, “Year”: 1999, “Value”: 22.4489795918367 }, { “Name”: “Brunei”, “Year”: 1998, “Value”: 6.4516129032258096 }, { “Name”: “Brunei”, “Year”: 2017, “Value”: 9.0909090909090899 }, { “Name”: “Brunei”,… Read More Javascript to dynamically select based on another query

How do I access the an element in an enumeration by the associated number in C?

I have an enumeration in C as follows: enum menu { PASTA, PIZZA, DIET_COKE, MOJITO, }; Since I haven’t explicitly mentioned the integer values corresponding to these elements, they are assigned values 0,1,2, and 3 respectively. Say I decide to add another 100 or so items to my enum. Then is there a way to… Read More How do I access the an element in an enumeration by the associated number in C?

Add array data by name php

I’m new to arrays. I’d like to know if you can add data to the array by name. This would be an example of what I want to achieve example: $guitars = [‘names’,[‘Warvick’, ‘Gibson’, ‘Fender’]]; $guitars[names][] = "Ibanez"; echo "<pre>"; var_dump($guitars); echo "</pre>"; result WARNING Use of undefined constant names – assumed ‘names’ (this will… Read More Add array data by name php

How to associate label with checkbox but not using "for=id"

i have this code: <li><input type="checkbox" id="checkboxThree" value="Alergia3" ><label for="checkboxThree">Alergia 1</label></li> <li><input type="checkbox" id="checkboxFour" value="Alergia4"><label for="checkboxFour">Alergia 1</label></li> <li><input type="checkbox" id="checkboxFive" value="Alergia5"><label for="checkboxFive">Alergia 1</label></li> <li><input type="checkbox" id="checkboxSix" value="Alergia6" ><label for="checkboxSix">Alergia 1</label></li> But I don’t want to use "id" and "for" because I have to do other thing later and I can’t use them. I have see… Read More How to associate label with checkbox but not using "for=id"

Pandas groupby on text : get sentence numbering for multiple sentences per group

My dataframe looks like this: id sentence ind 747 A simple and convenient colorimetric method is… NaN 747 A simple and convenient colorimetric method is… NaN 747 A simple and convenient colorimetric method is… ulcerative 749 Of special significance was the increased acti… NaN 749 Of special significance was the increased acti… NaN 749 Of… Read More Pandas groupby on text : get sentence numbering for multiple sentences per group