Standard way of getting a bit pattern of all ones

Is there a strictly conforming way to get a bit-pattern of all ones for an integer in C, without relying on implementation-defined behavior? On many architectures I can expect -1 and the UINT_MAX family to give such a bit pattern; how portable is this assumption? >Solution : Extremely portable. The C23 standard disallows integer representations… Read More Standard way of getting a bit pattern of all ones

Why 1's complement of float variable is not appropriate?

I am writing a simple function to check the 1’s compliment of a floating number. This is the code I have written to verify the value: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> int main() { float input = 25.456; printf("input val = %f\n",input); uint32_t temp = (uint32_t)input; uint32_t toggleval = ~temp; uint32_t checker = ~toggleval; float output… Read More Why 1's complement of float variable is not appropriate?

How to get the name of each array as you loop through an array of arrays php

I have an array of arrays as so: $bookPages = array( "page-1-name" => array( "page_title" => "Search results", "page_name" => "search" ) , "page-2-name" => array( "page_title" => "Front Cover | HCDP", "page_name" => "cover" ) ) I am looping through to get the content each array like the "page_title" using a foreach. foreach (… Read More How to get the name of each array as you loop through an array of arrays php

Recreate colormap based on colorscale in matplotlib

I have an image of a color scale I filter out the actual color scale by using import cv2 import numpy as np colorbar = cv2.imread(‘colorbar-scheme-elevation.png’, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) colorbar = cv2.cvtColor(colorbar, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(colorbar, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV) lower_gray = np.array([0, 0, 0]) upper_gray = np.array([255, 10, 255]) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_gray, upper_gray) mask = cv2.bitwise_not(mask) res =… Read More Recreate colormap based on colorscale in matplotlib