Dataframe conditional replacement with intigers

I have a dataframe column like this: df[‘col_name’].unique() >>>array([-1, ‘Not Passed, On the boundary’, 1, ‘Passed, On the boundary’, ‘Passed, Unclear result’, ‘Passes, Unclear result, On the boudnary’, ‘Rejected, Unclear result’], dtype=object) In this column, if an element contains the word ‘Passed’ as a field or as a substring, then replace the entire field with… Read More Dataframe conditional replacement with intigers

How to make a multipart request from node js to spirng boot

I have a node js backend that needs to send a file to a spring boot application. The file is local uploads/testsheet.xlsx. Here is the code to upload the file using form-data npm module and axios. const formData = new FormData() formData.append("file", fs.createReadStream("uploads/testsheet.xlsx")); formData.append("status", status); const path = `/endpoint` const auth = { username: username,… Read More How to make a multipart request from node js to spirng boot

How can I let one element do two events at the same time

so, I’m having a game, and I want the user to reset the score when he clicks the button, and reset boundaries when he hovers over it. How can I do it so that he can both, hover and click function reset_bounderies() { let start = document.getElementById("start") start.addEventListener("mouseover", function (event) { game = true; document.querySelectorAll(".boundary:not(.example)").forEach(item… Read More How can I let one element do two events at the same time

Create Dataframe Exatracting Words With Period After A Specicfic Word

I’ve the following text: text_main = "The following leagues were identified: sport: basketball league: N.B.A. style: c.123>d sport: soccer league: E.P.L. sport: football league: N.F.L. style: c.124>d. The other leagues aren’t that important." I need to extract all the sport names (which are coming after sport:) and style (which are coming after style:) and create… Read More Create Dataframe Exatracting Words With Period After A Specicfic Word

Make the layout use the transformed coordinate (CSS)

Is there a way to make HTML/CSS to use the transformed coordinates in layout calculations? E.g. if I scale a div, I want the next div to automatically start on the scaled div’s boundary. body { padding:50px; } .a { width:100px; height:100px; background-color:red; transform:scale(1.2) } .b { width:100px; height:100px; background-color:blue; } <div class=”a”> hello </div>… Read More Make the layout use the transformed coordinate (CSS)

I"m unable to read .csv rows recursively. Why is this showing me an error: IndexError: list index out of range?

def kmlForLab2(x,y): #XYpoints1_wgs84 #XYpoints1_wgs84.csv print(x,y) #Input the file name."JoeDupes3_forearth" fname = input("Enter file name WITHOUT extension: ") data = csv.reader(open(fname + ‘.csv’), delimiter = ‘,’) #Skip the 1st header row. #Open the file to be written. f = open(‘Buffered_kml.kml’, ‘w’) #Writing the kml file. f.write("<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>\n") f.write("<kml xmlns=’′&gt;\n") f.write("<Document>\n") f.write("<!– first buffer –>")… Read More I"m unable to read .csv rows recursively. Why is this showing me an error: IndexError: list index out of range?

Plotting class decision boundary: determine a "good fit" range directly

I am trying to figure out how to plot the decision boundary line picking just few middle values instead of the entirety of the separator line such that it spans roughly the y-range that also the observations span. Currently, I manually repeatedly select different bounds and assess visually, until "a good looking separator" emerged. MWE:… Read More Plotting class decision boundary: determine a "good fit" range directly