how to execute cleanup function in useEffect() only when component unmounts

I want to clear filters only when the component unmounts. So I wrote cleanup function only in useEffect(). But as I checked it with console.log(), 1 was printed after the component mounted too. What’s wrong in this way? useEffect(() => { return () => { clearFilters(); console.log(1); }; }, []); Stack Snippet: const { useState,… Read More how to execute cleanup function in useEffect() only when component unmounts

I want to web scraping from website their product price and name using python and only using beautifulsoup,requests and json modules

i tried web scraping like this. I want to get price and name from product in the website. and I dont know how to extract specific script include ""product details jason inline script.""<script type="application/ld+json>" so extract all jason inline script data using beautfulsoup and I Assign it to script. and i tried to many ways… Read More I want to web scraping from website their product price and name using python and only using beautifulsoup,requests and json modules