How to compare 2 objects and return a property of the second object that is not in the comparison

I have a comparison to make between two lists, and for each item found, I have to return a property from the second list, I would like to do it via LINQ. I have this class: class Table { private int hexToInt = 0; private string data = string.Empty; public int HexToInt { get =>… Read More How to compare 2 objects and return a property of the second object that is not in the comparison

How to group by and find new or disappearing items

I am trying to assess in a sales database whether the # of advertisements has changed. The example dataframe I am using is as such: df = pd.DataFrame({"offer-id": [1,1,2,2,3,4,5], "date": ["2024-02-10","2024-02-11","2024-02-10","2024-02-11","2024-02-11","2024-02-11","2024-02-10"], "price": [30,10,30,30,20,25,20]}) And looks like the below: I am now trying to get the # of items that were sold or newly added (I… Read More How to group by and find new or disappearing items

std::is_sorted return false when lambda return always true

Please explain why this code is crashing? #include <vector> #include <cassert> #include <algorithm> int main() { std::vector<int> vt = {1,2,3,4}; assert(std::is_sorted(vt.begin(), vt.end(), [](const auto& a, const auto& b){ return true;})); } >Solution : The comparison function (the lambda expression) is incorrect. It returns always true for vt[i] < vt[j] and for vt[j] < vt[i].… Read More std::is_sorted return false when lambda return always true

Check to see if two lists have the same value at the same index, if so return the index. If not return -1

So basically I am trying to compare two lists to see if they hold the same value at the same index at any point. If they do I return the index, if they do not, I return -1. ` Dlist = [17,13,10,6,2] Ilist = [5,9,10,15,18] def seqsearch(DS,IS): for i in range(len(DS)-1): found = False if… Read More Check to see if two lists have the same value at the same index, if so return the index. If not return -1