How to stop a component from recursively showing up in react Typescript

I have a parent component Form that has a button where on user click, it will display a child component MyWindow. The MyWindow component also has the Form component so the button will appear in MyWindow as well. How can I stop the Button from displaying in MyWindow when it’s open? I only want the… Read More How to stop a component from recursively showing up in react Typescript

React: How to Child component re-render only prop update

I have: function Parent(){ const [num, setNum] = useState(0) const [someState, setSomeState] = useState({}) return <div> <Child num={num}/> </div> } function Child({num}) { return <div>{num}</div> } I want Child re-render only num is updated. If only someState update, Child won’t re-render. >Solution : You can use React.memo and wrap your children component which you want… Read More React: How to Child component re-render only prop update

In VueJS, Passing variable instead of string name of component to :is attribute of dynamic component does not work

In the code example below (referenced in VueJS Official Site) : <script setup> import Home from ‘./Home.vue’ import Posts from ‘./Posts.vue’ import Archive from ‘./Archive.vue’ import { ref, watch } from ‘vue’ let currentTab = ref(‘Home’) const tabs = { Home, Posts, Archive } watch(currentTab, (currentTab) => console.log(tabs[currentTab], currentTab)) </script> <template> <div class="demo"> <button v-for="(_,… Read More In VueJS, Passing variable instead of string name of component to :is attribute of dynamic component does not work

A function passed as an onClick property is passed only once

I am building up an app that enables users to look at the information of movies to study React. I have a component named BoxOffice that has several useState. One of the useState is const [movieDetailPage, setMovieDetailPage]. I pass setMovieDetailPage as the property onClick of the component Movie In the component Movie, I assign the… Read More A function passed as an onClick property is passed only once

Is maintaining state between renders in a dynamically rendered components impossible? In my interactive comments section, comment components are dynamically rendered in the App.js by mapping through an array of comments stored in state that is added to when the user submits a comment from the create box. You can add replies which are stored in state in each component similar to the comments with… Read More Is maintaining state between renders in a dynamically rendered components impossible?