Does docker compose automatically put the containers in the same network?

I was recently trying to containerize an application that uses three services. When starting their containers separately with docker run, I also need to put them in the same network otherwise they can’t communicate. But I just wrote a docker-compose.yaml file to run them at the same time and they can communicate with each other… Read More Does docker compose automatically put the containers in the same network?

Flutter Container triangle design

I have to create this green container. How can I achieve that? I tried border-radius but I can’t. >Solution : Use like below First create class for decoration class BadgeDecoration extends Decoration { final Color? badgeColor; final double? badgeSize; final TextSpan? textSpan; const BadgeDecoration( {@required this.badgeColor =, @required this.badgeSize, @required this.textSpan}); @override BoxPainter createBoxPainter([VoidCallback?… Read More Flutter Container triangle design

Running a shell from within a docker container succeeds but not as an entrypoint ("no such file or directory" error)

I made a small container that runs a single shell script. Its Dockerfile is as follows: FROM centos:centos7.9.2009 RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/test COPY ./ /var/lib/test/ RUN yum -y localinstall /var/lib/test/*.rpm ENTRYPOINT ["sh /var/lib/test/"] However, when I run the image, it returns the error: #docker run -it test:1.0 /usr/bin/docker-current: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error:… Read More Running a shell from within a docker container succeeds but not as an entrypoint ("no such file or directory" error)

How to overload an iterator so it can be incremented in a dereferenceable state?

to give context i’m trying to re-implement vector container, and while reading about it’s iterator system requirements, i’ve stumbled upon this requirement from cplusplus reference: can be incremented (if in a dereferenceable state ). the result is either dereferenceable or past-the-end iterator. EX: ++a , a++, *a++ i’ve already overloaded the increment and dereference operators… Read More How to overload an iterator so it can be incremented in a dereferenceable state?

How do you manage the variation between local and cloud dependencies within Docker?

I have a Docker image with an application server running in it. When I’m running in a development environment, I want to run a database server within the same Docker image. However, in production, I want to use my cloud provider’s database service to host my database server. What is the best (preferably officially supported)… Read More How do you manage the variation between local and cloud dependencies within Docker?