Deno fresh – List in island not updating

I’m creating a websocket based chat app to experiment with Fresh, but I’m struggling to render a basic list of messages to the page. Here’s some code: routes/chat.tsx export default function Chat() { return ( <div> // … <MyIsland username={username.value}></MyIsland> </div> ) } islands/MyIsland.tsx export default function MyIsland(props: IslandProps) { const ws = useSignal<WebSocket |… Read More Deno fresh – List in island not updating

PostgreSQL Excluding values from average

I am calculating the average of values in a table CREATE TABLE measurements ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, measurement INTEGER NOT NULL ); import postgres from ";; const averageMeasurement = async() => { const rows = await sql`SELECT AVG(measurement) AS average FROM measurements`; return rows[0].average; } const sql = postgres({}); export{averageMeasurement} How can I exclude… Read More PostgreSQL Excluding values from average

Deno keeps giving me the same type of error on different modules

I am trying to connect with the Jira REST api using Deno. My Library of choice is Jira.js. I’ve used both installing the node_modules locally and referencing the modules through the library link. To no avail, deno gives me the same type of error. This is my code. //import { Version2Client } from "./node_modules/jira.js/src/index.ts"; import… Read More Deno keeps giving me the same type of error on different modules