How to drop a range of rows from dataframe?

I use the following code to drop some rows based on their position in df: for i in irange: df.drop(df.iloc[i].name, inplace=True) However, it seems I can’t do it in a loop and I get: raise IndexError("single positional indexer is out-of-bounds") IndexError: single positional indexer is out-of-bounds This other question is about columns, while mine is… Read More How to drop a range of rows from dataframe?

Why Drop trait is only executed at the end of the scope, instead of after the last use?

This is a question from rust onomicon # lifetime The first example can compile, as x is a reference and the compiler can infer its lifetime as minimal as the last use here :println!(), so x is dropped after this line. let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3]; let x = &data[0]; println!("{}", x); //… Read More Why Drop trait is only executed at the end of the scope, instead of after the last use?

Index out of bound when dropping rows in a dataframe

I can’t understand why i get the error "IndexError: index 159 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 159" while dropping a list of rows from a dataframe. #Import file Excel xls = pd.ExcelFile(file_path) #Parse away the first 5 rows df = xls.parse(‘Daten’, skiprows=5, index_col=None, na_values=[‘NA’]) # Select row where value in column… Read More Index out of bound when dropping rows in a dataframe

Python: Filling a dataframe sequentially based on matching ids (inefficient code)

Tables and code at the bottom will probs help much more than description. I have a solution that works but think its very inefficient see bottom. Problem: I have two data frames df_1 and df_2 — these dataframes have a match column – match_id df_2 has a date column that I am trying to write… Read More Python: Filling a dataframe sequentially based on matching ids (inefficient code)