Add Arrow down into Flag Dropdown menu

i want to add arrow down into dropdown menu? My current code in link: My CSS: .flagdropdown { position: relative; cursor: pointer; border: 0.5px solid gray; width: 110px; position: absolute; content: "▼"; left: 50%; top: 10%; transform: translate(-50%, 50%);} .flagdropdown-options { position: absolute; width: 100%; z-index: 10; background: #fff; } .flagdropdown-option { padding: 5px;… Read More Add Arrow down into Flag Dropdown menu

dropdown goes behind other tags

I want to make a dropdown without using select but the problem is the drop goes behind other tags and i dont know what to do dropdown is here <div class="dropdown"> <div><button class="dropdown_btn">Category</button></div> <div class="drop"> <a href="#" class="a_none_d">All cate</a> <a href="#" class="a_none_d">cate 1</a> <a href="#" class="a_none_d">cate 2</a> <a href="#" class="a_none_d">cate 3</a> </div> and the css:… Read More dropdown goes behind other tags

Drop down menu only set value when it been opened again only on mobile and macos

Hi i have a drop down menu on my website .. it looks like this <div class="box"> <p>Kerület</p> <select name="type" class="input" onclick="districtButtonClick(value)" required> <option class="btn" value="all" >Összes</option> <option class="btn" value="I">I</option> <option class="btn" value="II">II</option> <option class="btn" value="III" value="III">III</option> <option class="btn" value="IV">IV</option> <option class="btn" value="V">V</option> <option class="btn" value="VI">VI</option> <option class="btn" value="VII">VII</option> <option class="btn" value="VIII">VIII</option> <option class="btn" value="IX">IX</option>… Read More Drop down menu only set value when it been opened again only on mobile and macos

Editable dropdown box in ASP.NetMVC

I have MVC .Net core 6 project. I need editable dropdown box in one of the view. I tried datalist & javascript autocomplete functionality but both of them not working. My code in view is : <input type="text" name="medCompany" id="medCompany" list="ddlmedCompany" class="form-control form-control-lg" /> <datalist id="ddlmedCompany" class="form-control form-control-lg" > @foreach (var item in Model.lstmedCompany)… Read More Editable dropdown box in ASP.NetMVC

I made multiple selection on the dropdown but in Javascript alert, showing 1 value only

I add multiple on my dropdown list. But, when I check the values via Javascript with alert, it just showing the first one that I selected. <label class="control-label col-sm-4" for="affectedwaferid" style="margin-left: 1px;">Affected Wafer ID :</label> <div class="col-sm-4"> <p class="form-control-static" style="margin-top: -6px;"> <select class="form-control" id="affectedwaferid" name="affectedwaferid" multiple> <option value="" selected > Select Quantity</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option… Read More I made multiple selection on the dropdown but in Javascript alert, showing 1 value only

Preselected Element when using *ngFor

I have following Code which will not select a Element, when loading the Component. <option (click)="getSelectdDropdown(1, ‘Python’); addNewItemFramework(1); checkForm()" [selected]="this.formGroup.controls[‘frameworkControl’].value==’1’">Python</option> <option (click)="getSelectdDropdown(2, ‘Ruby’); addNewItemFramework(2); checkForm()" [selected]="this.formGroup.controls[‘frameworkControl’].value==’2’">Ruby</option> <option (click)="getSelectdDropdown(3, ‘C#’); addNewItemFramework(3); checkForm()" [selected]="this.formGroup.controls[‘frameworkControl’].value==’3’">C#</option> When I use *ngFor It always select the first Element. How should be the Code with ngFor? <option *ngFor="let title of frameworkArray" >{{title}}… Read More Preselected Element when using *ngFor