Share process.env variable between multiple node js files

I have two node js files and one bat file. In the first js file, I am setting a few environment variables and in another js file, I want to access it. However, after setting variables, I am unable to find these variables in another file. Example, file1.js file2.js console.log(process.env.user); // This returns correct… Read More Share process.env variable between multiple node js files

Production Deployment: Firebase invalid api key error in console

I have deployed my web app on netlify but the site only shows a blank white page with following error in console. Uncaught FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/invalid-api-key). at F_ (assert.ts:142:44) at U_ (assert.ts:167:30) at new e (auth.ts:56:5) at e.instanceFactory (index.ts:82:16) at e.value (provider.ts:318:33) at e.value (provider.ts:115:21) at e.value (firebaseApp.ts:138:21) at t.<computed> [as auth] (firebaseNamespaceCore.ts:185:29) at… Read More Production Deployment: Firebase invalid api key error in console

Adding a symbol (or group symbols) to each Vector element on Rust

What is my problem? I get the current directory with the help let dir: String = env::current_dir().unwrap().display().to_string(); Next, I need to make Vec<String> out of this line, for example, so that from a string type "home/user/project" to get vec!["home/", "user/", "project"] as String. I tried a couple of options, but there are constantly errors of… Read More Adding a symbol (or group symbols) to each Vector element on Rust

Unset env variable from inside of an docker container using python

I wrote in python a config module for getting values from the env. The env is set by the docker-compose file. I want to test the config module, so i want to unset the variables in the test before importing the module. Code: import os from unittest import TestCase def test_without_env(): os.unsetenv(‘GITLAB_URL’) os.unsetenv(‘GITLAB_PROJECT_ID’) os.unsetenv(‘GITLAB_API_TOKEN’)… Read More Unset env variable from inside of an docker container using python

How to make PowerShell recognize changes in environment variables?

When I change any environment variable in Windows using GUI (System Properties/Environment Variables/System Variables) changes are reflected immediately in cmd terminal, but PowerShell shows an old value. Here cmd recognized that I changed JAVA_HOME value from C:\Users\nikif\.jdks\openjdk-19.0.1 to C:\Users\nikif\.jdks\corretto-16.0.2 PowerShell still shows the previous value – C:\Users\nikif\.jdks\openjdk-19.0.1 Is there any command that will make PowerShell… Read More How to make PowerShell recognize changes in environment variables?

How to use NULL in environment variables supplied to docker run?

I am supplying environment variables in docker run as docker run –env-file <env_file_path>….. The Dockerfile executes a ruby script which reads the env variables. # environment variable file TEST_1=NULL TEST_2= TEST_3="" # ruby script print ENV[‘TEST_1’] # "NULL" print ENV[‘TEST_2’] # "" print ENV[‘TEST_3’] # "\"\"" How can I receive a nil values in ruby… Read More How to use NULL in environment variables supplied to docker run?

How To Pass Environment variables in Compose ( docker compose )

There are multiple parts of Compose that deal with environment variables in one sense or another. So how do I pass Environment variables in Compose ( docker-compose ) According to the documentation If you have multiple environment variables, you can substitute them by adding them to a default environment variable file named .env or by… Read More How To Pass Environment variables in Compose ( docker compose )