display: flex and width: 100% Issue with ul Container Not Expanding to Full Width

I’m trying to make a ul container with display: flex take 100% of its parent’s width. However, when the screen size is reduced, the ul doesn’t maintain the 100% width. If I remove display: flex, it works as expected. Here are my HTML and CSS: here is the codepen you should put it on a… Read More display: flex and width: 100% Issue with ul Container Not Expanding to Full Width

Background color for active item in flexbox only affecting text, desired behavior is entire space-around

After creating a div with the class of .navbar and implementing it via display: flex; for each page I am on, I want the active one in the navbar to have its entire background to have a different color. Right now, it is only affecting the text. Desired behavior was achieved via a different implementation… Read More Background color for active item in flexbox only affecting text, desired behavior is entire space-around

Creating a 1:1 ratio element, centered within another element

I am attempting to create some rectangular boxes with circular (not ovular) boxes inside those. Currently the behaviour I’m getting is this: Whereas the behaviour I was expecting was circles (i.e. 1:1 aspect ratio). My code for this is as follows: #portals { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .portal { display:… Read More Creating a 1:1 ratio element, centered within another element

How to Align HTML Classes in CSS with a Flex Layout

I am strugging to align the borders vertically between two different containers in a flex layout. I have a class named “navbar” and a class named “header-content.” Both classes are children nested in the “header” class. “header-content” is sized appropriately and fills the screen as desired using the justify content: space around. I want to… Read More How to Align HTML Classes in CSS with a Flex Layout

Trouble with CSS Flexbox – Child Elements Not Aligning Horizontally

I’m experiencing issues with CSS Flexbox where child elements within a flex container are not aligning horizontally despite setting display: flex and flex-direction: row. Instead, they stack vertically. This behavior persists even after adjusting various flex properties. I’ve set the parent container to display: flex and flex-direction: row, ensured the child elements have flex: 1,… Read More Trouble with CSS Flexbox – Child Elements Not Aligning Horizontally