Haskell foldr1 lambda function which adds tuple values

I have been scratching my head trying to figure this out. How do I use foldr1 (or any other fold for that matter) in order to get the sum of tuples in a list. Example: list = [(1,2), (3,4)] sum = 10 I’ve tried foldr1 (\x y -> fst(x) + snd(x) + y) [(1,2),(3,4)] but… Read More Haskell foldr1 lambda function which adds tuple values

Why is there a difference between templated recursive calls and fold expressions with type cast or promotion?

#include <array> #include <type_traits> #include <iostream> template<class… Types> class Test { public: Test() : format_({ [&] { if constexpr(std::is_same_v<Types, int64_t>) { return "%ld "; } else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<Types, int32_t>) { return "%d "; } else if constexpr(std::is_same_v<Types, double>) { return "%f "; } }() … }) {} template<typename T, typename … Args> void print_recursive(T &&… Read More Why is there a difference between templated recursive calls and fold expressions with type cast or promotion?

Field '_areas' should be initialized because its type 'List<Area>' doesn't allow null

Flutter shows error Non-nullable instance field ‘_areas’ must be initialized. Maybe this is because of not defining null in lists areas what when defining null Like List? _areas; it shows an error on the index Error: Field ‘_areas’ should be initialized because its type ‘List’ doesn’t allow null. Error Line: List _areas; Here is my… Read More Field '_areas' should be initialized because its type 'List<Area>' doesn't allow null

Flask render template doesn't render my html page keep getting "internal server error"

Running flask 2.1 w/ python 3.10 trying to create a small app here’s my main.py file contents and directory setup from waitress import serve app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=’/templates’) @app.route("/") def startService(): return "Simple Web app" @app.route("/home") def ohok(): return render_template(‘home.html’) if __name__ == "__main__": serve(app, host="", port=8080) I have my home.html file correctly formatted placed… Read More Flask render template doesn't render my html page keep getting "internal server error"

Cutting Strings Pyhton

i have a simple ui created with pyqt5 it loads a file, let you choose a outputfolder and creats a new txt file with additonals information. the string of the loaded file is written to self.inputs.filename.text() it looks like "C:/User/Folder/File.txt" later in the application i write into a new file in a specific location. new_txt… Read More Cutting Strings Pyhton

How To Stop Link Component From Giving 404 Error in NextJS?

Can anyone tell me why the following Link Component is unable to find the linked page? VSCode is literally auto-completing the file name as I type it in but for some reason I keep getting 404. //index.js in WelcomePage folder import styles from "/styles/WelcomePage.module.css"; import Link from "next/link"; function WelcomePage() { return ( <> <h1… Read More How To Stop Link Component From Giving 404 Error in NextJS?