R function call in error using mixR package

I have a dataframe and I want to fit a mixR model for each column and print the plot. The code without using function without any problem, but when it was called in a function, an error happened. I checked them multiple times, but not able to find any abnormality. Any hint? Thanks. library(mixR) twins… Read More R function call in error using mixR package

Wait/pause code execution for given amount of time before executing certain function in JavaScript

I am tring to build quiz app for my side project in vanila js and html. I have a a condition where i need to wait for sometime before executing a certain code.How can create function which take time as parameter to pause the code execution. I tried solve the issue by creating a wait… Read More Wait/pause code execution for given amount of time before executing certain function in JavaScript

Why do arrays not count as a point when used as a return?

For the following C program: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> int64_t* newCopy(void* array, size_t newElements) { int64_t newArray[newElements]; for (size_t i = 0; i < newElements; i++) { newArray[i] = ((int64_t*)array)[i]; } int64_t* ptr = &newArray; return ptr; } int main() { int64_t array[3] = {1,2,3}; int64_t* copy = newCopy(array,3); array[1] = 4; for (size_t i… Read More Why do arrays not count as a point when used as a return?

Can't make my python package print output

I recently created and published my own hello_world package for learning purposes, since I’m new to this I am having some issue getting the hello_world output. The link of the repo is: https://github.com/fanik041/fsa_hello_world_package In the cli.py file I wrote two functions for hello_world: from __future__ import print_function def hello(): """ Returns a Hello, World! """… Read More Can't make my python package print output

dereferencing function pointer to function returning void throws error: void value not ignored as it ought to be

I am a beginner in C language. Read various SO threads on function pointers. For instance, How does dereferencing of a function pointer happen, Function Pointer – Automatic Dereferencing [duplicate], so I tried to do an experiment of mine. Couldn’t understand why this error is thrown since I am not using the void value anywhere..… Read More dereferencing function pointer to function returning void throws error: void value not ignored as it ought to be