Problem in visualizing the correct number of items on the horizontal scroll on the ScrollTrigger

I need help. I’m trying to create a horizontal scroll with GSAP and NextJS, so that when I reach the section where the event start, I can see one item instead of two. I don’t know where I went wrong. I’m using GSAP and Tailwind. What I want in the projects section is I want… Read More Problem in visualizing the correct number of items on the horizontal scroll on the ScrollTrigger

The mobile view of my website has a zoom out enabled and doesn't take full width, infact it has a horizontal scroll which i want to avoid, what to do?

Mobile view of my website has horizontal scroll because it doesn’t occupy 100% of the width even if it does show okay on refresh, but when you zoom-out you will see that it has too many blank space on the right, How do i avoid that? Here is my html code – <!DOCTYPE html> <html… Read More The mobile view of my website has a zoom out enabled and doesn't take full width, infact it has a horizontal scroll which i want to avoid, what to do?

why my CSSRulePlugin GSAP is not working?

Hello I’m using Gsap and I need to use GSAP CSSRules plugin, I try the code above CSS (We have to declare class & CSS Rules event if the css is empty) .wrapper::before { content: ‘hey’; color: ‘green’; } HTML <div class="wrapper"> </div> JS (I have correctly imported the plugin) gsap.registerPlugin(CSSRulePlugin); const rule = CSSRulePlugin.getRule(".wrapper::before");… Read More why my CSSRulePlugin GSAP is not working?

Iterating through 2 arrays in javascript (gsap)

I am having trouble iterating through 2 arrays to change my gsap timeline. const subTabs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".subtab")); const expandTabs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".expandtab")); const tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1, yoyo: true, } }); tl.set(expandTabs, { visibility: "hidden", opacity: 0, scale: 0, }); I need the index values to correspond, for example, if subTabs[0] is "mouseover"… Read More Iterating through 2 arrays in javascript (gsap)