When creating loader for hashmap, my bucket points back to itself

I am learning C and debugging code for spell checking a chosen .txt file. My last hurdle here is the load function of my hashmap. It successfully reads a given word from a dictionary file, stores it, assigns it to a temp node , but the problem comes when I try to make my struct… Read More When creating loader for hashmap, my bucket points back to itself

Map<String, Repository> Unexpected beheaviour

I’m trying to define a Map<String, DataTablesRepository> to map more than one JPA repository. This is my code @Service @AllArgsConstructor public class MyDataTablesService { private final RegistroDtRepository registroDtRepository; private final ContinentiDtRepository continentiDtRepository; public Map<String, DataTablesRepository> repositories = this.createMap(); public DataTablesOutput<?> findAllDatatable(String repoId, DataTablesInput input) { System.out.println(this.repositories); DataTablesRepository repository = this.repositories.get(repoId); DataTablesOutput<?> res = repository.findAll(input); return… Read More Map<String, Repository> Unexpected beheaviour

What is the dead loop bug in HashMap in earlier versions?

I have been reading https://www.alibabacloud.com/blog/the-clever-design-of-java-map_597979 for the internal implementation of the HashMap and CHM. There is an interesting line for which I could not find more explanation for : Can someone point me to the bug this refers to? I could only find the bug related to HashMap improvement with RB-Trees, but nothing about the… Read More What is the dead loop bug in HashMap in earlier versions?

Convert list of payloads with a property List<String> to HashMap<String, Payload)

I’ve a list of payloads and a payload looks like Payload { public int id; public String name; public String foo; public List<String> list; } now I want this to a HashMap where the key is a value of the list property, like payloads = [ {id:45, name:"Alfred", foo:"bar", list:["AAA", "BBB"]}, {id:2, name:"John", foo:"various", list:["CCC",… Read More Convert list of payloads with a property List<String> to HashMap<String, Payload)

Hashmap is unable to be added to a collecitons.singletonmap

import java.util.*; public class Hash_Map_Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String, String> toEmails = Collections .singletonMap("key", "Value"); Map<String, String> userEmails = new HashMap<>(); userEmails.put("abc@gmail.com", "abc"); toEmails.putAll(userEmails); } } when i’m trying to run the above code, I’m encountering the following exception Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at java.util.AbstractMap.put(AbstractMap.java:209) at java.util.AbstractMap.putAll(AbstractMap.java:281) at Hash_Map_Demo.main(Hash_Map_Demo.java:13) I… Read More Hashmap is unable to be added to a collecitons.singletonmap

Java HashSet contains method return true when it supposes to be false

I define a Triple class with equals and hashcode method. According the docs,HashSet.contains() method of Java HashSet must returns the same value of Objects.equals(). But contains() method of Java HashSet method return true, when it suppose to be false. class Triple{ private List<Integer> triple; public Triple(int one, int two, int three){ this.triple = new ArrayList<>();… Read More Java HashSet contains method return true when it supposes to be false

Array of hashmaps

In python, I’d use a list of dictionaries to collect data (like name, age, height, etc.) of several people that a user enters, but now I want to do the same thing in Java. Is an array of HashMaps the best way to do that? static List<Map<String, Object>> driverList = new ArrayList<>(); >Solution : You… Read More Array of hashmaps