Creating a postgres column which allows all datatypes

I want to create a logging table which tracks changes in a certain table, like so: CREATE TABLE logging.zaak_history ( event_id bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, tstamp timestamp DEFAULT NOW(), schemaname text, tabname text, columnname text, operation text, who text DEFAULT current_user, new_val <any_type>, old_val <any_type> ); However, the column that I want… Read More Creating a postgres column which allows all datatypes

Google Play Billing Library 5.0 deprecation warnings

Since I’ve upgraded the BillingClient to version 5.0.0: googleImplementation ‘’ I get these unique deprecation warnings: warning: [deprecation] getSkus() in Purchase has been deprecated warning: [deprecation] getSkus() in PurchaseHistoryRecord has been deprecated warning: [deprecation] SkuType in BillingClient has been deprecated warning: [deprecation] SkuDetailsResponseListener in has been deprecated warning: [deprecation] SkuDetailsParams in has been… Read More Google Play Billing Library 5.0 deprecation warnings

How to get value from a vector by value from another vector?

I have two vectors: one contains numbers and names of things; second collects numbers that have already been showed to the user; I’m trying to make a history list of all objects that have been shown. Here is my code: class palettArchive{ private: std::vector<std::pair<int,std::string>> paletts; int palletsCounter; std::vector<int> choosen; public: //… void history(){ auto printHist… Read More How to get value from a vector by value from another vector?

Axios Request returns 404 even though URL is valid and the API functions correctly

I’ve been working on making a simple website that handles information for a MySQL database of books. Intro/Problem: I’ve gotten the server (spring-boot), database (MySQL) and website (React) running as they’re expected to with the sole exception of one particular GET request even though there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it at all.… Read More Axios Request returns 404 even though URL is valid and the API functions correctly

Cannot resolve keyword 'PatientInfoID' into field

I ran into a problem while running my project, I encountered this error Cannot resolve keyword ‘PatientInfoID’ into field. Choices are: Content, Dept, Doc, Doc_InfoID, Doc_InfoID_id, Patient_InfoID, Patient_InfoID_id, email, id, name, patienthistory, ref, status While this is my def profile(request): user = request.user patient = Patient.objects.filter(user = user) appointment = Appointment.objects.filter(PatientInfoID = patient) patienthis… Read More Cannot resolve keyword 'PatientInfoID' into field

( Nuxt's Vue-router ) How to differentiate path ending with "/" and without

Using the extendRoutes attribute for nuxt’s router, I am attempting to differentiate paths ending with a slash and paths that do not. This is due to how the CMS we are using handles paths. I could differentiate them by distinguishing the overview page as a path ending in /all or /overview, but it’s not ideal.… Read More ( Nuxt's Vue-router ) How to differentiate path ending with "/" and without