Undo -Werror for a particular warning

I use -Werror … -Wno-unknown-pragmas compiler flags (cause I don’t need unknown pragmas to cause an error). However, this silences all unknown pragma warnings. Is there a way to produce -Wunknown-pragmas warnings while not turning them into errors, and to apply -Werror to all other warnings. >Solution : -Werror -Wno-error=unknown-pragmas should do the trick.

Pandas : change values in column based on a mapping of two different columns

I have this dataframe: id result.value.text result.value.labels result.id result.from_id result.to_id 0 793 skin melanoma indication 5jSiC_n3IM NaN NaN 1 793 proteinase protein Lso-iCCHar NaN NaN 2 793 plasminogen activator protein _17D_kE5zf NaN NaN 3 793 NaN NaN NaN 5jSiC_n3IM Lso-iCCHar 4 793 NaN NaN NaN 5jSiC_n3IM _17D_kE5zf I want to change the values of result.from_id… Read More Pandas : change values in column based on a mapping of two different columns

My TableCell doesn't auto-update FXCollections.observableArrayList

I’m sorry I get some trouble with TableView. If I tick checkbox my dati = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); isn’t auto-updated Where I am wrong? I have missing some code. I set editable the TableView. Table has two rows and each row have checkbox. In agreement FXCollections.observableArrayList(); documentation Creates a new empty observable list that is backed by… Read More My TableCell doesn't auto-update FXCollections.observableArrayList

icpc error in compiling over-aligned dynamic allocated variables

I am trying to compile a code in C++, that uses over-aligned variables. If I try to compile the following code (a MWE) #include <new> #include <iostream> int main() { alignas(32) double *r = new (std::align_val_t{32}) double[3]; std::cout << "alignof(r) is " << alignof(r) << ‘\n’; return 0; } everything runs smoothly if I use… Read More icpc error in compiling over-aligned dynamic allocated variables