How to set hosting environment for a specific website?

My site is running under IIS among a dozen others. I want to set its hosting environment to Staging, but I can’t use ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable to set it, because of the aforementioned other sites. How can I set the hosting environment for a specific site. P.S. Found the documentation that addresses this specific scenario.… Read More How to set hosting environment for a specific website?

Convert ASCII to hex

I want convert ASCII values to hex. In Java, I often use the function: private static String asciiToHex(String asciiStr) { char[] chars = asciiStr.toCharArray(); StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(); for (char ch : chars) { hex.append(Integer.toHexString((int) ch)); } return hex.toString(); } Is there any method in Dart to convert to hex value like Integer.toHexString in… Read More Convert ASCII to hex