When parsing an element of a html document, the conversion is missing a proceeding 0

When I select an element of the html document, then convert it to an int64, its missing a preceding 0. Using InnerHtml, I only want the last 4 characters from the "Prime Z790 BIOS 0812" result. The result of this newz790 var should be 0812, but I just get 812. namespace getsqldata { public static… Read More When parsing an element of a html document, the conversion is missing a proceeding 0

After making an AJAX call using fetch(), how do I append a P tag in an HTML list?

I am new and not afraid of working on a problem and I’m grateful for all the knowledge available. But I have tried and failed for too long now. // 1. GET request using fetch() fetch(“https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos”) // Convert received data to JSON .then(response => response.json()) .then(users => show(users)); function show(users) { const para = document.querySelector(“p”);… Read More After making an AJAX call using fetch(), how do I append a P tag in an HTML list?

My innerHTML is coming out to be null despite using id or class or querySelector

This is the most frequent problem I come across, in this file was trying to access the innerHTML of the textarea using the same property. But the error says that the input.innerHTML is null. You can understand better by code, import React, { Component, useEffect, useState } from ‘react’ import ‘./Body.css’; import axios from "axios";… Read More My innerHTML is coming out to be null despite using id or class or querySelector

Why does the innerHTML setter not work correctly with <br> tags?

Why is the new line rendered correctly for real DOM Elements while getting them through innerText, but not considered when I create them using some javascript? What is wrong with this code snipet? const real = document.querySelector(‘p’); const fake = document.createElement(‘p’); fake.innerHTML = ‘foo<br>bar’; console.log(real.innerText); // this is not similar console.log(real.textContent); console.log(real.innerHTML); console.log(fake.innerText); // to… Read More Why does the innerHTML setter not work correctly with <br> tags?

Change innerHTML of span which part of the name changes in time

so I have a problem, I’m trying to change the .innerHTML of a span of which name changes every time I refresh the page (only some part of that name changes) so for example I always use this to change the span’s innerHTML: document.getElementsByClassName(‘something’)[0].innerHTML=’new text’; but the problem is that the site now adds random… Read More Change innerHTML of span which part of the name changes in time

ConfirmPassword doesnt show the error message in case the password doesn't match

I am building an app with React my problem is about [![enter image description here][1]][1] register user. I tried to show a message error while the Confim password isn’t the same as the password. The issues message from console.log is clearthe error come from my innerHTML. I didn’t find the solution, that’s why i ask… Read More ConfirmPassword doesnt show the error message in case the password doesn't match

innerHTML for an element with id "demo" not returning

<meta name="viewport"> <script> var today = new Date(); var date = today.getDate(); var text = "ఉదా: తేదీ " + date + " అయితే సామెతలు " + date + " నుంచి" ; document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text ; </script> <h5 style="color:darkblue"> 2022 సంవత్సరం పూర్తి సిలబస్ </h5> <p>ఒక సంవత్సరంలో బైబిల్ ను పూర్తిచేయు ప్రణాళిక<br> సోమవారం నుంచి శనివారం వరకు 3 అధ్యాయాలు<br>… Read More innerHTML for an element with id "demo" not returning

My Javascript function is just displaying code on my HTML page

I’m trying to add HTML from my JS file with innerHTML and its just displaying text on my HTML file instead of reading it in as image. This is my JS file and the function below is inside a class. setCardHtml(){ let imageHtml = this.cards.map((image) => `<img class="cards base-cards" src="/images/${image}.png">`).join(”) for (let image of imageHtml)… Read More My Javascript function is just displaying code on my HTML page