JavaScript : How to Calculate the Check Digit according to ISO 6346

Learn how to calculate the check digit according to ISO 6346 for shipping containers. Prevent errors in tracking and documentation with this simple algorithm.… Read More JavaScript : How to Calculate the Check Digit according to ISO 6346

How to parse ISO date with microsecond precision in Kotlin

I got this from val df1: DateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ") val string1 = "2022-12-29T19:59:20.783357Z" val result1: Date = df1.parse(string1) But it does not work: Exception in thread "main" java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2022-12-29T19:59:20.783357Z" at java.text.DateFormat.parse (:-1) at FileKt.main (File.kt:13) at FileKt.main (File.kt:-1) I can’t use Instant.parse(date) The date "2022-12-29T19:59:20.783357Z" is a valid Iso8601String where 783 is… Read More How to parse ISO date with microsecond precision in Kotlin

With iso_c_binding, sending c_ptr to C, malloc,, set value

Question: How do I get the 28 back to Fortran? main.f90: program test use play_dice_game use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_f_pointer, c_null_ptr type(c_ptr) :: test_ptr integer, pointer :: ftest_ptr integer result test_ptr = c_null_ptr result = roll_dice(test_ptr) call c_f_pointer(test_ptr, ftest_ptr) write(*,*) ‘C test pointer is ‘,test_ptr write(*,*) ‘Fortran test pointer is ‘,ftest_ptr end program test… Read More With iso_c_binding, sending c_ptr to C, malloc,, set value

With iso_c_binding, sending c_ptr to C, malloc,, set value

Question: How do I get the 28 back to Fortran? main.f90: program test use play_dice_game use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_f_pointer, c_null_ptr type(c_ptr) :: test_ptr integer, pointer :: ftest_ptr integer result test_ptr = c_null_ptr result = roll_dice(test_ptr) call c_f_pointer(test_ptr, ftest_ptr) write(*,*) ‘C test pointer is ‘,test_ptr write(*,*) ‘Fortran test pointer is ‘,ftest_ptr end program test… Read More With iso_c_binding, sending c_ptr to C, malloc,, set value

I have this error System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException

For what I read and understood, this happens when I’m not sending the authentication. But I tried to send it in two ways: string userN = "username"; string _pasw = "password"; BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); Endpoint wsdl = new Endpoint("MyEndpoint"); SoapClient client = new SoapClient(binding, wsdl); client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = userN; client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = _pasw; await client.OpenAsync();… Read More I have this error System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException

pandas multIndex from product – ignore same row comparison

I have a pandas dataframe like as shown below Company,year T123 Inc Ltd,1990 T124 PVT ltd,1991 ABC Limited,1992 ABCDE Ltd,1994 tf = pd.read_clipboard(sep=’,’) tf[‘Company_copy’] = tf[‘Company’] I would like to compare each value from tf[‘company’] against each value of tf[‘company_copy] but exclude same matching row number or index number, string For ex: I want T123… Read More pandas multIndex from product – ignore same row comparison

How to replace the exact string and not string part?

How to replace the exact string and not a part of the string, please? l = [‘1.5’, ‘12.3’, ‘.’, ‘A’, ‘.’, ‘.’] l = [i.replace(‘.’, ‘nan’) for i in l] print(l) I obtain: [‘1nan5′, ’12nan3’, ‘nan’, ‘A’, ‘nan’, ‘nan’] Desired result: [‘1.5’, ‘12.3’, ‘nan’, ‘A’, ‘nan’, ‘nan’] >Solution : You aren’t replacing in the string,… Read More How to replace the exact string and not string part?

Comparing 2 HashMap with Key as String and Value as UserDefined Object

I want to output a boolean as true indicating both maps have same Key and values. If i use equals() it returns false. How can i output as true , Object references are different. But the entries are same I have 2 maps below Map<String,Information> map1=new HashMap<>(); map1.put("key1", new Information("10","20","30","40")); map1.put("key2", new Information("11","22","33","44")); Map<String,Information> map2=new… Read More Comparing 2 HashMap with Key as String and Value as UserDefined Object