Why is a column going into the next row when there are only 12 columns?

I have a row with 4 columns that are each 3 wide, which adds up to the 12 that are supposed the be in a row, but for some reason the last one is still going onto a new row. Any idea how to fix this? Here’s my code: <div class=”container text-center”> <h3>Welcome to “Ender’s… Read More Why is a column going into the next row when there are only 12 columns?

Python error: module 'itk' has no attribute 'ParameterObject'

I use ITK in python (https://itkpythonpackage.readthedocs.io/en/master/Quick_start_guide.html) and the package seems to work, but when I want to use a code I found on github (https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKElastix/blob/master/wrapping/test/itkElastixRegistrationMethodTest.py) it gives me an error: import itk parameter_object = itk.ParameterObject.New() module ‘itk’ has no attribute ‘ParameterObject’ unfortunately I could not find out why my itk has no ParameterObject attribute, but… Read More Python error: module 'itk' has no attribute 'ParameterObject'