html2canvas failing to capture Google static map

I’m creating a booking reference for the user to download after successfully making a booking. It looks like this in the browser: However, after using html2canvas to get a screenshot of the component in React, I get this: I suspect the issue has to do with the fact that the static map’s use is protected… Read More html2canvas failing to capture Google static map

jspdf doesn't work when loaded from a CDN

I am going to use package(jspdf) loaded from **CDN ** this is CDN <script src=""></script&gt; and I have loaded it like this in a page : mounted() { if (document.getElementById(‘myScript’)) { return } let src = ‘; let script = document.createElement(‘script’) script.setAttribute(‘src’, src) script.setAttribute(‘type’, ‘text/javascript’) script.setAttribute(‘id’, ‘myScript’) document.head.appendChild(script) } and I have a button that… Read More jspdf doesn't work when loaded from a CDN