Snowflake – Left Join not working as expected

I’m looking to reconcile dates between two tables. In other words, I’m looking for where the date column is NULL from the right table. The first query generates a table with sequence of dates between 2017-2022: select -1 + row_number() over(order by 0) i, start_date + i generated_date from (select ‘2017-01-01’::date start_date, ‘2022-12-31’::date end_date) join… Read More Snowflake – Left Join not working as expected

Is there a way to concat two columns from a table and join three tables

I am trying to join three tables, but in one of the tables I need to concat two columns for being able to do the left join. select * from order_dupe_check_cleaned dcc left join AAPEN_SORLIN asr on dcc.INTERNAL_ORDER_ID = asr.VLCODE left join order_dupe_atributes oda on dcc.INTERNAL_ORDER_ID = oda.INTERNAL_ORDER_ID and oda.product_id = –** Here I want… Read More Is there a way to concat two columns from a table and join three tables

in R how to join 2 dataframe if one of the two column values in first dataframe match to one column value in second data frame

suppose we have two data frame df1=data.frame(col1=c("a","c","d"), col2=c("m","e","d") ) > df1 col1 col2 1 a m 2 c e 3 d d df2=c(coll1=c("m","f","d"), coll2=c(2,4,5) ) > df2 coll1 coll2 1 m 2 2 f 4 3 d 5 is there direct way to left join df1 and df2 based on either if col1 or col2… Read More in R how to join 2 dataframe if one of the two column values in first dataframe match to one column value in second data frame

SQL query to select columns from multiple tables with conditions on Group By

I have 3 Tables with relationships: TableA: Party_Number Account_Number Email_Code Relation_Code 1111 A00071 null B 1111 A00071 null C 1111 A00071 null D 1111 A00072 140 D 1111 A00073 140 C 1111 A00074 140 C 1111 A00075 null B TableB: Account_Number Date A00071 8/8/2020 A00072 null A00073 null A00074 null A00075 null TableC: Party_Number Email… Read More SQL query to select columns from multiple tables with conditions on Group By

SQL UPDATE 2 table with JOIN

I want to update two tables at the same time, because the connection and update conditions are in the first table. And only simple information like the amount is in the second table UPDATE order, order_product SET =*0.00001, order_product.price = order_product.price*0.00001, =*0.00001 FROM order_product LEFT JOIN order ON order_product.order_id = order.order_id… Read More SQL UPDATE 2 table with JOIN

mySQL: How to select specific columns in a three-table join vs using *?

I’m creating a volunteer skills management scenario, similar to a students/classes/grades matrix. I have three tables thus: table1: skill_categories (28 rows) fields: skill_id (int,pk) skill (varchar) table2: volunteers (111 rows) fields: vol_id (int,pk) full_name (varchar) table3: skill_assessments (3108 rows) fields: id (int,pk) skill_id (int) vol_id (int) ranking (int) I want to see every skill from… Read More mySQL: How to select specific columns in a three-table join vs using *?

R left_join() replacing joined values rather than adding in new columns

I have the following dataframes: A<-data.frame(AgentNo=c(1,2,3,4,5,6), N=c(2,5,6,1,9,0), Rarity=c(1,2,1,1,2,2)) AgentNo N Rarity 1 1 2 1 2 2 5 2 3 3 6 1 4 4 1 1 5 5 9 2 6 6 0 2 B<-data.frame(Rank=c(1,5), AgentNo.x=c(2,5), AgentNo.y=c(1,4), N=c(3,1), Rarity=c(1,2)) Rank AgentNo.x AgentNo.y N Rarity 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 5 5 4… Read More R left_join() replacing joined values rather than adding in new columns