unable to connect laravel app with postgres

i am trying to connect laravel app to azure postgres database the connection was working good but after the last update i get unknow error for me Code $connection = pg_connect("host=$host dbname=$dbname user=$username password=$password") or die("Failed to create connection to database: MM<br/>"); print "Successfully created connection to database.<br/>"; result when connected to azure postgres database… Read More unable to connect laravel app with postgres

.bashrc – command-based environment variable not being set on new terminal window

In my ~/.bashrc file, I’d like to set an environment variable that itself is the result of running a command: export PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH=`which chromium` If I open a new terminal window and run env, I do see this environment variable, but it has been set to an empty string: PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH= If I then run source ~/.bashrc… Read More .bashrc – command-based environment variable not being set on new terminal window

A value of type '_ChangeCountryPageState' can't be returned from the method 'createState' because it has a return type of 'State<ChangeCountryPage>'

import ‘package:ecommerce_int2/app_properties.dart’; import ‘package:ecommerce_int2/screens/settings/change_country.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/services.dart’; class ChangeLanguagePage extends StatefulWidget { const ChangeLanguagePage({super.key}); @override State<ChangeCountryPage> createState() => _ChangeCountryPageState(); } This is the snippit to my code. This page is suppose to help select Different languages from a pre-given list but I’m getting this error >Solution : You haven’t showed it but _ChangeCountryPageState needs… Read More A value of type '_ChangeCountryPageState' can't be returned from the method 'createState' because it has a return type of 'State<ChangeCountryPage>'

A value of type '_ChangeCountryPageState' can't be returned from the method 'createState' because it has a return type of 'State<ChangeCountryPage>'

import ‘package:ecommerce_int2/app_properties.dart’; import ‘package:ecommerce_int2/screens/settings/change_country.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; import ‘package:flutter/services.dart’; class ChangeLanguagePage extends StatefulWidget { const ChangeLanguagePage({super.key}); @override State<ChangeCountryPage> createState() => _ChangeCountryPageState(); } This is the snippit to my code. This page is suppose to help select Different languages from a pre-given list but I’m getting this error >Solution : You haven’t showed it but _ChangeCountryPageState needs… Read More A value of type '_ChangeCountryPageState' can't be returned from the method 'createState' because it has a return type of 'State<ChangeCountryPage>'

Swift script for changing macos scroll bars visibility changes input sources settings

I have the following Swift script for changing scroll bars visibility in macOS: import Foundation func getSelectedValue() -> String { if CommandLine.argc < 2 { print("No arguments passed. Please pass one of the following values: \"Always\", \"Automatic\", \"WhenScrolling\".") exit(1) } let args = CommandLine.arguments let value = args[1] if value != "Always" && value !=… Read More Swift script for changing macos scroll bars visibility changes input sources settings

How do you reference back to a parent folder in html?

I’m having trouble referencing back to parent folders using html. Here is a picture of my folder: The below code is index.html: <html> <title>HTML Experiments</title> <h1>This is a website that I made</h1> <ul> <li>Here is another file: <a href="InsideTheRootFile1.html">another file</a></li> <li>Here is an extra file: <a href="extras 1/insideextras.html">extras</a></li> </ul> </html> Here is insideextras.html: <html> <h1>it… Read More How do you reference back to a parent folder in html?