How can I generate an 16-character long MD5 hash in Java?

I need to generate on Kotlin a MD5 hash for some data, but as 16-characterString, not a 32-character String. I found no way fo that at this point and need help. But there is definitely a mothod exist, since I found website, which do it correctly. Please check as example these sites: As… Read More How can I generate an 16-character long MD5 hash in Java?

how to get a textfield value and convert the value into md5 encryption in flutter?

My code: Center( child: SizedBox( height: height * 0.08, width: width – 35, child: TextFormField( controller: passwordController, validator: (password) { if (password == null || password.isEmpty) { return "Please enter your password"; } return null; }, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { password1 = value; }); }, obscureText: passwordVisible, obscuringCharacter: "*", decoration: InputDecoration( border: const OutlineInputBorder(),… Read More how to get a textfield value and convert the value into md5 encryption in flutter?

subtract same variables in single object javascript

const token = [ {“token”:”d2r4Z62OTGiPyNmdHTUfny”, “time”:1652767811}, {“token”:”dnl13twkQIqifdvaxp1t6e”, “time”:1652767811}, {“token”:”eDZxQu0FSWm72D2-T1md5X”, “time”:1652767811}, {“token”:”dnl13twkQIqifdvaxp1t6e”, “time”:1652767811}]; // Try edit me const arr = []; for (var i=0; i<=token.length-1; i++) { const millis =; const time = Math.floor(millis / 1000); if (token[i].time > time) { arr.push(token[i].token) } } console.log(arr); between these two token variables are the same, I want… Read More subtract same variables in single object javascript