Can std::future cause coredump without get or wait

void func() { std::future<int> fut = std::async(std::launch::async, []{ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(10)); return 8; }); return; } Let’s say that I have such a function. An object fut of std::future<int> is initialized with a std::async job, which will return an integer in the future. But the fut will be immediately released after the function func returns. Is there… Read More Can std::future cause coredump without get or wait

how to specify data on pearson correlation heatmap?

I have a pearson correlation heat map coded, but its showing data from my dataframe which i dont need. is there a way to specify which columns i’d like to include? thanks in advance sb.heatmap(df[‘POPDEN’, ‘RoadsArea’, ‘MedianIncome’, ‘MedianPrice’, ‘PropertyCount’, ‘AvPTAI2015’, ‘PTAL’].corr(), annot=True, fmt=’.2f’) ————————————————————————— TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-54-832fc3c86e3e> in <module> —-> 1… Read More how to specify data on pearson correlation heatmap?

Elasticsearch – how do i add `boost` to `constant_score` in bodybuilder?

I have the following bodybuilder query :- bodybuilder() .orQuery(‘match_all’, {}) .orQuery(‘constant_score’, null , (qr) => { return qr.filter(‘range’, ‘stock_sum’, {gte: 1}) }) .build() Which basically generate the following (Query simulator HERE) { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "match_all": {} }, { "constant_score": { "filter": { "range": { "stock_sum": { "gte": 1 } }… Read More Elasticsearch – how do i add `boost` to `constant_score` in bodybuilder?

Create a new array from current Airtable array

How can I get this old array: [ { "_table": { "_base": { "_airtable": {}, "_id": "appDxGpKPJl3Exjs2" }, "id": null, "name": "PropMatters" }, "id": "recGBOdnDtrvaEu7N", "_rawJson": { "id": "recGBOdnDtrvaEu7N", "createdTime": "2022-05-24T07:05:22.000Z", "fields": { "Name": "Mon 23 May, Tues 24 May", "KeyID": "2024f0d10106261cdc852194042d731c" } }, "fields": { "Name": "Mon 23 May, Tues 24 May", "KeyID": "2024f0d10106261cdc852194042d731c"… Read More Create a new array from current Airtable array