Conditional rendering (React.js) using logical AND operator (&&) not working

I’m following docs on conditional rendering and I can’t figure out why conditional rendering using logical AND (&&) operator is not working. It’s working fine using conditional ternary operator (? :). The code "use client"; import { useState } from "react"; export default function Get({ data }) { const [toggleShowData, setShowData] = useState(false); function… Read More Conditional rendering (React.js) using logical AND operator (&&) not working

Nextjs app. Everything runs well in Dev environment. npm run build gives an error

I am getting the following error when trying to build Nextjs app. Generating static pages (0/20) [= ]TypeError: u is not a function at m (C:\Users\coool\Documents\AnalyticsBrewery\analytics-brewery-a1\.next\server\app\(brewery)\test\Customers\page.js:1:9038) at em (C:\Users\coool\Documents\AnalyticsBrewery\analytics-brewery-a1\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\next-server\ at C:\Users\coool\Documents\AnalyticsBrewery\analytics-brewery-a1\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\next-server\ at Array.toJSON (C:\Users\coool\Documents\AnalyticsBrewery\analytics-brewery-a1\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\next-server\ at stringify (<anonymous>) at eR (C:\Users\coool\Documents\AnalyticsBrewery\analytics-brewery-a1\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\next-server\ at eP (C:\Users\coool\Documents\AnalyticsBrewery\analytics-brewery-a1\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\next-server\ at (node:async_hooks:346:14) at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\Users\coool\Documents\AnalyticsBrewery\analytics-brewery-a1\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\next-server\ at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:573:17) TypeError: u is… Read More Nextjs app. Everything runs well in Dev environment. npm run build gives an error

How to keep the first item of accordion group open by default in NextJS?

I’ve built an accordion component from scratch in NextJS. It’s working perfectly. But I want to keep the first accordion item open by default. How to achieve this? Here’s the code: Accordion Item import { RiAddLine } from "@remixicon/react"; import { useState } from "react"; const AccordionItem = ({ question, answer, isOpen, toggle }:{ question:string,… Read More How to keep the first item of accordion group open by default in NextJS?

npm run build giving errors in React Hook Functions

i am using nextjs 14 python-course/page.tsx when i am running npm run build on my project, this page is giving error this is my package.json “ { "name": "frontend", "version": "0.1.0", "private": true, "scripts": { "dev": "next dev", "build": "next build", "start": "next start", "lint": "next lint" }, "browser": { "child process": "false" }, "dependencies":… Read More npm run build giving errors in React Hook Functions

Programmatically changing colors doesn't work

In nextjs, I have a list of colors and a function that takes a number as an argument and returns a component styled by Tailwindcss that has a distinct color using that number. const listColors = ["lime", "teal", "violet"] function getStyle(idx: number) { const color = listColors[idx % listColors.length]; return `bg-${color}-500 text-${color}-100`; } export default… Read More Programmatically changing colors doesn't work

NextJS dynamic routes not working on my localhost

src/app/user/[username].js [username].js file: import { useRouter } from ‘next/router’ export default function User() { const router = useRouter() return ( <p> {router.query.username} </p> ); } When i go to "localhost:3000/user/john" user/username url returning 404 not found. I followed the examples in the current documentation exactly, but I still get the 404 output. >Solution :… Read More NextJS dynamic routes not working on my localhost

Should blog post with comments be a static page NextJS

I have a blog page with posts stored in database. I allow users to suggest changes to post and comment it. The path is /app/posts/[name]/page.tsx. Should I use static rendering ( I read that it should improve seo a lot. I would appreciate help. >Solution : There are many pros and cons to use static… Read More Should blog post with comments be a static page NextJS