How to install nvm in windows

I have already installed node but I need to downgrade versions and I was thinking on using nvm. I am trying to install nvm in windows with the following command on my cmd with admin rights: curl -o- | bash But I got the following: C:\windows\system32>curl -o- | bash % Total % Received… Read More How to install nvm in windows

Install the latest even-numbered node with nvm?

It’s recommended that you install the latest even numbered node, since: You should always use even-numbered versions marked LTS that says “Recommended for Most Users” on the download page. and: After six months, odd-numbered releases (9, 11, etc.) become unsupported, and even-numbered releases (10, 12, etc.) move to Active LTS status and are ready for… Read More Install the latest even-numbered node with nvm?