Why is a column going into the next row when there are only 12 columns?

I have a row with 4 columns that are each 3 wide, which adds up to the 12 that are supposed the be in a row, but for some reason the last one is still going onto a new row. Any idea how to fix this? Here’s my code: <div class=”container text-center”> <h3>Welcome to “Ender’s… Read More Why is a column going into the next row when there are only 12 columns?

Problems with '–isolatedModules' flag and RouterContext

When trying to run my deno app the following error comes out and I don’t understand why .. Has anyone encountered this problem? run command: deno run –allow-all server.ts error: error: TS1205 [ERROR]: Re-exporting a type when the ‘–isolatedModules’ flag is provided requires using ‘export type’. RouterContext, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at file:///Users/XXXX/Documents/DenoAPP/deps.ts:4:3 deps.ts export { Application, Router,… Read More Problems with '–isolatedModules' flag and RouterContext