How to get percentile in "reverse" in php

I am not sure if this is correct title. I have let’s say 3000 members, each one is ranked based on number of points. Max rank is 3000, min rank is 1. I need to check for each member on which top 10% is the member (top 10%, top 20%, …, top 90%) based on… Read More How to get percentile in "reverse" in php

How to compute percentile for an external element with given array?

I’m looking for a percentile function that accepts an array and an element where it would return closest percentile of the element. Some examples percentile([1,2,3,4,5], 2) => 40% percentile([1,2,3,4,5], 2.5) => 40% percentile([1,2,3,4,5], 6) => 100% Does anything like this or similar exist within python or numpy? Numpy does this np.percentile(a=[1,2,3,4,5], q=3) => 1.12 which… Read More How to compute percentile for an external element with given array?

Python – To create 2 new column with 25th and 75th percentile of several row values

Here is how my df kind of looks like (with many more rows, and many more columns): Index WTG1 WTG2 WTG3 1.5 61.25 -7.57 7.18 2 19.69 25.95 28.67 2.5 59.51 81.22 78.22 3 131.81 154.07 142.92 My objective is to get: Index WTG1 WTG2 WTG3 25th Percentile 75th Percentile Mean 1.5 61.25 -7.57 7.18… Read More Python – To create 2 new column with 25th and 75th percentile of several row values

using ntile within a group

I’m trying calculate the quintiles within each group of a dataframe. If I do: mtcars %>% group_by(gear,carb) %>% summarise(total = sum(wt), .groups = "keep") %>% mutate(rank = ntile(total,5)) all entries within the rank column are equal to 1. What am I doing wrong here? >Solution : Because when you group_by(gear, carb), unique combinations of these… Read More using ntile within a group

How to sum values in a row that are less/equal to the last value (for multiple rows)?

I’m trying to calculate the percentile rank for 2021, relative to the 1981-2021 climatology for June/July/August average temperatures. My data looks like below but much larger: 1981 1982 1983 2021 22 34 40 42 25 36 32 33 For each row, I need to calculate the number of values which are lower or equal to… Read More How to sum values in a row that are less/equal to the last value (for multiple rows)?

Create a boolean column in pandas datafame based on percentile values of another column

I have a dataframe with multiple columns. I want to create boolean column, flagging if the value belongs to 90th percentile and above. My data frame also contains multiple zeros. Example: Name Value Val1 1000 Val2 910 Val3 800 Val4 700 Val5 600 Val6 500 Val7 400 Val8 300 Val9 200 Val10 100 Val11 0… Read More Create a boolean column in pandas datafame based on percentile values of another column