How to fix Recursion Function overflow error?

This program is supposed to calculate the varying stopping power as a proton travels through aluminium for 20000 slices of 0.025µm of aluminium. The stopping power changes per slice, so the stopping power and subtraction of energy has to be calculated per slice. I get a stack overflow error even after attempting to increase the… Read More How to fix Recursion Function overflow error?

Problems to calculate the angle of the arrows to simulate a magnetic field

Im programming a magnetic field simulator with a max of 4 charges but i dont understand what is wrong with the angle calculation. function generarCargas is the function that creates the arrows, sorry if i didnt comment, if you have any questions with the code i will answer immediately. JS: //Funcion angle function angle(cx, cy,… Read More Problems to calculate the angle of the arrows to simulate a magnetic field

Why is abs(x)+abs(y) different from sqrt(x*x + y*y)

I was making a Physics Engine in C++ when I noticed that when I replace: float absDistance = sqrt(vectorDistance.x * vectorDistance.x + vectorDistance.y * vectorDistance.y); With: float absDistance = abs(vectorDistance.x) + abs(vectorDistance.y) Different things happen. I’m using the library <cmath> I looked at a lot of stack exchanges but I couldn’t find anyone saying they’re… Read More Why is abs(x)+abs(y) different from sqrt(x*x + y*y)

Flutter Listview.Builder inside bottom sheet widget not loading data on load

The below code does not display any data when the bottomsheet loads. Once the bottomsheet is loaded if I do a save operation on the code editor it loads the data. What am I missing here? I have a bottomsheet widget which is invoked using a button. _showBottomSheet() { showModalBottomSheet( context: context, builder: (context) {… Read More Flutter Listview.Builder inside bottom sheet widget not loading data on load

How to get access to "mesh renderer" of a different object using raycast?

For example, a camera that generates Raycast and if it hits it destorys an object. public class RaycastScript : MonoBehaviour { void CheckForRaycastHit() { RaycastHit hit; //if raycast hit if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit)) { print( + " hit"); //print what object got hit Destroy(hit.collider.gameObject); //destroy object } } void Update() { //mouse controls camera float… Read More How to get access to "mesh renderer" of a different object using raycast?