eliminate a variable for an accumulation operation

The following code produces the desired result but is there a way to refactor it to eliminate the accumulator variable? const data = [ { id: “428”, date: “2017-01-24” }, { id: “526”, date: “2022-01-01” }, { id: “428”, name: “George” }, { id: “526”, name: “Sam” }, { id: “827”, name: “Dan” } ];… Read More eliminate a variable for an accumulation operation

How can i get a index value of a div just clicking on it?

I’m trying to change the class of an specific div that i click, using this: let divs = document.querySelectorAll(‘.x’); function idk(){ Array.prototype.forEach.call(divs, function(element) { element.classList.add(‘y’); Array.prototype.forEach.call(divs, function(element) { element.classList.remove(‘x’); }); }); } .y{ transition: 0.5s; transform: rotateY(180deg); } <div id=”d1″> <div id=”c1″ class=”x” onclick=”idk()”>a</div> <div id=”c2″ class=”x” onclick=”idk()”>b</div> <div id=”c3″ class=”x” onclick=”idk()”>c</div> </div> This code… Read More How can i get a index value of a div just clicking on it?

How to filter array of object depends on input onChange text (React)

(React Problem) Let’s say we have array of objects like this: const books = [ { author: "Marcel Proust", title: "In Search of Lost Time", pageNumber: 123, }, { author: "James Joyce", title: "Ulysses", pageNumber: 123, }, { author: "Miguel de Cervantes", title: "Quixote", pageNumber: 123, }, { author: "Herman Melville", title: "Moby Dick", pageNumber:… Read More How to filter array of object depends on input onChange text (React)

Calling the this.method() inside function of another method

is there a way calling the createElement() method inside checkbox.off().on(‘click’, function () {}) of checkBoxes() method? I cannot access the method inside the function within the method. class Lists { constructor() { this.currentList = []; this.completedList = []; } createElement( value1 = undefined, value2 = undefined, value3 = undefined, checkboxCheck = ” ) { value3.append(`<li… Read More Calling the this.method() inside function of another method

Need to separate particular String from array in javascript

I have a output like this output : [{service: ‘xdc’},{service: ‘cddc’}, {service: ‘cdcd’},{service: ‘cddc’}] I need to convert like this output : [xdc,cddc,cdcd,cddc] >Solution : You can use Array.prototype.map() combined with Destructuring assignment Code: const output = [{service: ‘xdc’},{service: ‘cddc’}, {service: ‘cdcd’},{service: ‘cddc’}] const result = output.map(({ service }) => service) console.log(result)

Why is instanceof not working as expected in Typescript?

So I have these classes that I use to handle errors in different scenerios like so: export class APIError extends Error { public readonly statusCode: number; public readonly message: string; constructor(statusCode?: number, message?: string) { super(message); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, APIError.prototype); if (typeof statusCode === ‘string’) { message = statusCode; statusCode = null; } this.statusCode = statusCode ||… Read More Why is instanceof not working as expected in Typescript?