Push element item into object list

There is a specific format output that i need from a for loop which are elements inside an object, and also inside array. The output should be as follows: [ { day1: 0, day2: 0, day3: 0 } ] I understand .push is probably the key here but Im not sure which syntax to follow.… Read More Push element item into object list

'Git' Not Authenticating due to Password Authentication Being Removed

I need to push a cloned repo back to Github, but when I run git push -u -f origin main in the folder that I’ve initialized and added a remote origin to, it returns this error: remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. remote: Please see https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/getting-started-with-git/about-remote-repositories#cloning-with-https-urls for information on currently… Read More 'Git' Not Authenticating due to Password Authentication Being Removed

What are the benefits of using the 'concat' method over 'push' for concatenating arrays in JavaScript?

concat(array) vs push(…array) I’ve been using .push(…) method to concatenate 2 arrays unpacking the second array, using the three dots notation, and passing that as the argument (array1.push(…array2)). But I just noticed that .concat(…) does the same thing, at least as far as I know. I just want to know what are the benefits of… Read More What are the benefits of using the 'concat' method over 'push' for concatenating arrays in JavaScript?

I want to keep adding to an array every time I run the js file using push but it is not working

I want to save what is returned from a function so when I call it again the functions return keeps saving but instead the saved return changes every time. Is there a way I could save the return of something so when I call it again the previous one is saved and the new one… Read More I want to keep adding to an array every time I run the js file using push but it is not working

Java Pushing an element into a single stack of a 2d array of stacks

I have a 2d array of stacks. public Stack<Integer>[][] GameBoard = new Stack[3][3]; //make square public Stack<Integer> Square = new Stack<>(); public Stack<Integer>[][] FillBoard() { //initialize each square to have 0 Square.push(0); //fill board with squares for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)… Read More Java Pushing an element into a single stack of a 2d array of stacks

(javascript)Is it possible to push an object in the array located inside another object?

Is it possible to push an object in the array located inside another object? I really can’t think of ways to do it. I am doing this project from The Odin Project. I have nowhere else to ask this question. Please kindly let me know if it’s not allowed here. thanks. and for clarification this… Read More (javascript)Is it possible to push an object in the array located inside another object?